"You're a natural. You really get those rich suckers hot under the collar."

"Ahhh--the art of distraction," I said through a sigh, pulling away from Bas, and sitting up. Eyeing the busy park visitors scurrying around like tiny ants below us on the path.

"So----who is the idiot we're robbing today?"

"Ahhh--spotted him yesterday. Nice suit, nice watch, and desperate for a companion. I'm assuming he has a load of cash in his wallet or credit cards we can use for a day."

"Mmhmm. So you bring your pretty girlfriend to the park to distract a what? A 40 something old man looking for what? Someone like me?" I looked back at him and he rolled his eyes.

"You've done this a million times before and you act appalled every time we do this. Distract him with those beautiful baby blues, laugh at his jokes, steal his watch, and we go home richer." He said softly like he was reassuring me we could do this.

And I knew we could pull it off and I knew I was good at what I did. But it still made me nervous, people were so unpredictable. Especially with how close I had to get to each mark. But as long as Bas was by my side, I'd be safe from the world. 

"You're always so confident with this. But fine....you show me the way and we'll do the usual?"

"Oh yeah--you distract. And I'll do the rest. Plus---our friend Claire scoped him at the ATM about an hour ago. He's got the dolla bills, baby." I nodded looking into the crowd, really focusing in on the people around.

Children played, mother's yelled, but then I focused in on the man in the red tie. Standing next to the large fountain in the middle of the park by himself. Actively avoiding human contact.

His fingers frantically pounded into his very nice iPhone and his eyes. He couldn't focus on the screen, he kept checking around him. Looking behind him and in front of him like he was expecting someone to come and get him.

"Do we know who he's waiting for?" Bas raised a brow, focusing in on the man. And shook his head.

"Well whoever it is, he's sweating bullets. His body is trembling. He's nervous. He's about to do something really stupid. We have got to move now." Bas grinned at me, pulling my chin into his hand.

"And this---this is why I need you, my love. You have the eyes of an eagle!!" He burned my lips again with one last soft kiss, before pulling away.

"Now…..Let's go do illegal things." His eyebrows wiggled a little and he pulled me up out of the grass, immediately falling behind me. Loitering in the grass, kicking it with his shoes, but his eyes never left me. Always had a careful eye on me as I did my work. Partly because he liked to watch, but mostly he was my protector.

I immediately began my lap around the large fountain, adjusting the sundress I had put on this morning. Making sure my medium-sized assets were present and accounted for.

I walked by him once, eyeing him up and down. Catching his dark brown eyes with mine. Making sure to bat my eyelashes and sway my hips. Giving him the cute flirtatious smile I knew he wanted and he stopped typing. His eyes followed my body and I knew I had him.


I prowled toward him trying to not look too eager. Keeping my eyes on him, looking at his unfit body over, and it hit me what he was looking for. I knew what I had to do to distract him.

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