Start from the beginning

Dustin was there too, pacing around the room. He had been the one to drag everyone into this situation and it now seemed like he regretted it. Or maybe he was having way too much fun, Zoe figured it was probably the latter. "That keycard opens the door, but unfortunately, the Russian with this keycard also has a massive gun. Whatever's in this room, whatever's in those boxes, they really don't want anybody finding it." He said.

"But there's gotta be a way in." Robin queried, fiddling with the ice-cream scooper in her hand. Steve was playing around with his employee certified hat. Zoe, on the other hand, was twirling her Walkman in her hands, not particular to any song that played within them.

"Well, you know..." Steve leaned in, a serious tone to his words. "I could just take him out. The Russian guard." Zoe laughed, while Robin pretended as if it were a good plan. "What? I sneak up behind him, I knock him out, and I take his keycard. It's easy."

"Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?"

"Yes, Dustin, I did. And that's why I would be sneaking." Steve motioned the idea with two fingers, pretending to walk across the table.

Zoe laughed again, "Ya know Steve, word spreads fast in a small town like Hawkins. Two years ago, you couldn't beat Jonathan Byers in a fight. And now, you wanna take on a Russian spy? Armed with a massive gun? Good luck with that one." Steve groaned while Robin had joined in on the laughter— actually once oblivious to the news.

Dustin agreed with Zoe, "Yeah, Steve, tell me this honestly... have you ever actually... won a fight?" He genuinely asked, but Steve took it as more of a tease.

"Look— that was one time."

"Two times. Remember? Billy Hargrove?" Dustin corrected him, and upon the subtle realization on Steve's face, Zoe and Robin knew it to be true. They began laughing again before Robin got distracted by something else. Steve and Dustin continued bickering, which was hilarious to listen into.

Robin immediately stood up, ceasing all conversation as she made her way to the front of the store. Steve opened the window separating both rooms so the three of them could see what was going on. Robin took all the money from the tip jar before running off. She had just said that she was going to find a safe way into that mysterious room.


     ROBIN CAME BACK, STARTLING EVERYONE IN THE BACKROOM. She came in, very excited, holding out a bunch of papers. She laid them out on the table, revealing them to be blueprints of the sort. "It is fascinating how much twenty dollars can get you at the County Recorder's Office. Starcourt Mall. The complete blueprints. So, this is us, Scoops," Robin traced an image of a room. "...and this is where we want to get." Robin moved her finger to another room, the room everyone was trying to break into.

"I mean, I don't really see a way in," Steve said, his eyes glancing over every part of the blueprint.

"There's not if you're talking exclusively about doors." Robin peeled away the first blueprint, to reveal another one, this one held a different type of entrance— air ducts. Zoe grinned, this new idea was already proving to be better than Steve's. "Turns out, this secret room needs air just like any old room. And these air ducts lead all the way... here." Robin grabbed a marker, outlining the path to the Scoops Ahoy room to the secret room they were trying to get into.

Steve headed over to the air duct just a few feet away, needing the help of a ladder to do so. He unscrewed the vent that covered it, handing it over to Dustin who placed it carefully on the ground. He handed a flashlight over to Steve who in turn handed Dustin his discarded screwdriver. "Yeah, I don't know, man. I don't know if you can fit in here. It's, like... super tight." Steve carefully came down the ladder, throwing Dustin a concerned look.

"I'll fit. Trust me. No collar bones, remember?" Dustin said, grabbing the flashlight as he headed over to the ladder, replacing Steve. Zoe quirked an eyebrow, somewhat confused.

And apparently so was Robin, who made it clear. "Oh, he's, uh... yeah, he's got some disease. Chry, uh... it's chrydo, um... something. Yeah, I dunno. He's missing bones and stuff. He can bend like Gumbo." Steve tried clarifying it, although ultimately giving up.

"You mean Gumby." Robin corrected him.

"I'm pretty sure it's Gumbo." Steve defended himself.

"No— it's Gumby. And it's called Cleidocranial Dysplasia by the way." Zoe corrected him. He huffed in slight annoyance.

"Just shut up and push me!" Dustin yelled, his body halfway through the vent. Steve agreed, helping him into the vent by pushing his feet.

Zoe turned to Robin, a slight giggle on her lips. "This isn't going to end well, is it?"

"Knowing those two dinguses, no way." Robin laughed as well.

"Not my feet, dumbass. Push my ass." Dustin yelled. Zoe covered her mouth, trying to hold in her laughter as best as she could.

"What?" Steve asked, still confused.

"Touch my butt! I don't care!" Dustin yelled, very annoyed. Steve did as he was told, moving away from Dustin's feet and began pushing his butt. "Come on! Harder! Push harder!" Dustin yelled, even louder than before. Zoe couldn't even begin to fathom what people in the front of the store were wondering.

"I'm pushing!" Steve countered.

"Your playing with my legs!"

"I'm not playing, I have terrible footing!" Zoe couldn't help it anymore, leaning into Robin's shoulder as she busted out in giggles and laughter. Robin looked at the scene in front of her, wondering how they could have gotten anything done with her. "I'm gonna just shove you, ready?"

Ringing from the counter had distracted Zoe and Robin, causing them to turn around. They round Erica, a little girl with a sassy personality (Zoe has a few encounters with the girl, seeing as she was in the mall every day), ringing the bell. "Ahoy, sailors! All hands on deck! Ahoy!" Erica bickered sarcastically.

Robin turned to Zoe, wearing an apparent grin. Zoe had immediately caught onto her plan. Erica might have been more useful than lead on to believe.


Hey, sorry it's been a while! I honestly love my girls so much and we're finally meeting Erica and I'm just EXCITED. Can you tell? Big news; I just published my Steve Harrington fic if anyone wants to check it out, be my guest!! I love Zoe and Robin so much and I just want to write them all day, but sadly, I'm getting very tired. I can't wait to read some comments, they're all so good!! H til next time my loves!!

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