Straight out of the greatest love story ever told ?

748 20 13

Her red curls framed her distinctive jawline and cheeks. She was all hair and cheekbones and wearing a tight green dress. Luisa could see a huge suitcase next to her. She didn't quite understand what Rose's plans were. They did wanna leave as soon as possible but they hadn't really talked about it yet. Still, Rose was almost looking ready to leave. She could hear Rose's sighs as she stood there crying as silently as possible and running her fingers through her hair desperately. You could see she was devastated but Luisa hasn't understood why yet. Out of a sudden she remembered Rose's one sentence. 'I start to believe we don't bring the best in each other out anymore. I don't want you to be hurt anymore Lu'. It echoed inside her head and hurt awfully.
Now Luisa's eyes filled with tears slowly. What if she just messed everything up? She was the one hurting herself and Rose. Rose hadn't made any mistake.
Luisa stood up and crept towards Rose. She wrapped her arms around Rose's waist. Rose winced. 'It's me baby' Luisa whispered. Rose quickly wiped her tears away hoping Luisa hadn't seen them already but she had. Rose turned around and even though you couldn't see her tears anymore her eyes weren't shining. The ocean blue faded away and became a foggy gray and Rose's nose became reddish. She looked weary of crying but she still tried to put her shit together and hold back the emotions that were flooding her mind at this moment. Luisa pulled Rose as close as possible and hugged her tightly. Rose buried her head in Luisa's smooth hair taking a deep breath smelling Luisa's freshly washed hair. 'I'm so sorry Rose' said Luisa and you could clearly hear her voice cracking. Every time this happened Rose had shivers down her spine. Rose pushed back from the embrace and looked into Luisa's worried and wet eyes. Luisa's eyes wandered to the ground. For a few minutes, they were just standing there in silence without any movements but Rose's heels tapping on the floor. She always did that when her emotions overflowed. It always came in waves. Sometimes she could hold back the river but every time there were too many raindrops falling into the river it flooded and Rose's emotions ran wild. She couldn't hold anything back anymore and whichever emotions she felt, they were twice as intense. She inhaled quite loudly and she was flushed with anger while her cheeks already glowed. Luisa sank to the ground and wrapped her hands around her knees. 'If you wanna go Luisa, I'm not holding you back. You're not my hostage nor a prisoner. If you're not happy with me if you'll keep hurting we ain't got no future.' Luisa swallowed and at the same time she felt her chest clenching struggling to breathe. She couldn't have another panic attack now. 'Lu, I'm sorry I never wanted to hurt you.' 'No Rose... it's- it's not you sweetheart. I'm constantly struggling with myself. I feel like I'm out of your league and like I'm a huge disappointment for everyone. I keep making the same mistakes.' Luisa cried. Rose sat down on the ground as well and grabbed Luisa's wrists. She pulled Luisa closer putting Luisa's arms around her waist and pressing her forehead against her lovers'. Luisa sighed in relief. 'You're not a disappointment to me.. you'll never be' Rose whispered. 'I was drinking again Rose. You're face appeared to me all the time but this girl... it tried to kiss me several times' tears streamed down Luisa's face. Rose's facial expression became more serious. 'The beautiful girl looking like snow white with curls?' Rose asked carefully. Luisa nodded, feeling a weight on her shoulder which could easily drown her in her own tears. 'You cheated on me Lu, didn't you?' Rose pressed out. She almost suffocated pressing this sentence out. Luisa's eyes drifted away from Rose's and she moved her head. Luisa sighed. 'I love you Rose' she responded but Rose's eyes flickered as she felt her heart freezing. She felt the instant urge to kill the girl that hit on hers and hers only but her mind immediately screamed 'no crime!!'. In addition, she couldn't hurt Luisa though anger flooded her veins. Rose turned towards the piano and started playing 'Just give me a reason'. It slightly helped her remaining calm. 'Rose I wasn't-' tried Luisa but Rose just started playing the song louder trying to numb the pain and Luisa's voice.
Luisa's tears kept falling down her face but she didn't even try to keep them back while Rose didn't feel anything but complete numbness. She still was all choked up and falling to pieces. The thought of Luisa kissing this beautiful snow white, shattered Rose's heart. Still, she didn't know what to do because the best part of her has always been Luisa and she would always be. Luisa came closer and she knew the lines of the songs' chorus. Rose pushed the keyboard harder as she got closer to the chorus. Her feelings were all confused because she was feeling everything at once but still nothing at all. She stopped playing and calmly sang 'Just give me a reason just a little bit's enough'. She stopped. Luisa continued the lines 'just a second we're not broken just bent'. Both sang 'so we can learn to love again' Rose's anger immediately began to disappear. Luisa lured her in again, she stopped sensing her pain. But how could she even be mad at Luisa when she knew she loved her only and that she was drunk. 'Rose, I'm so sorry I would never...' But Rose had already forgiven her so she shhed her. They fell into each others' arms and kissed passionately. This moment would've been straight out of a love story, the greatest love story ever told in fact if the next thing wouldn't have been about to happen.

To be continued...

Roisa is endgame, no matter whatHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin