"Jay" he said dramatically while getting on on knee.oh jeez...

"W-Will you marry me!" He said looking away. I need to make this look stupid I didn't know why but I just need to for some reason.

"I could do better" I said then everyone looks at me weirdly.why are they looking at me lik-

"WAIT WAIT NOT LIKE THAT GUYS CHILL" I said blushing.why am I blushing!?! I sit back down with Stephen snuggle close to me. I know he blushing too I can literally feel his heated up face. I calm down my blushing and and myself.

"I hate you guys so much.."

"Yeah sure whatever~"Ann said

"Am going to the bathroom" Jay2 said

"Hosuh truth or dare " Daniel said


"Do you like anyone here?" Danish said. I saw Hosuh blushing.


"Omg who!" Daniel asked excitedly

"Secret" Joe said making everyone look shocked?

"Why doe everyone look shocked" I asked feelings a bit confused.

"Omg you idiot how do you not get it!? Those two are dating!!"

"O-Oh" I said and I turn to see Hosuh and Joe blushing.

"Okay truth or dare Daniel" I asked. Finally it's my turn.

"Dare" he said

"I dare you to tell us who you like" I don't even know why I asked that question but sure. Daniel look shocked but the mad.

"I hate you guys... I like Jay..." wait what did HE just say!?!

"Wait me!??"

"NO! I mean the other Jay..."

" I didn't know you were bi Daniel?" I said

"Yeah because NO ONE ASKED" he said in his defense

"Right..." I said

I see Jay walk back in to the room. Everyone stared at him.

"Why's is everyone staring at me?"

"No reason" Daniel said calmly. Wow what a champ

"Alright this is getting boring let's play 'devils got my arms' " Zandra said

"Okay but WHAT KIND OF FUCKIN GAME IS THAT" Stephen said

"It's a game where you stand against the doorway putting on a lot of pressure against the doorway.and to make it more creepy you can chant something to the devil.then you let your arms be free and something will have you arm floating up."

"OKAY am definitely out of this one" Joe said fast

"Yeah am not joining this too" Hosuh said

"Daniel are you gonna join" I asked knowing am gonna join

"Yeah sure it probably not real anyway" he said

"I'll join too" Stephen said

"Me and Jay2 are just gonna watch" Ann said as Jay2 nods

"Alright pussys!" I yelled at them

"So only four people are playing... oh well" Zandra said

"There's only two doorways here come over here Jay!"

"Okay me and Zandra go first I guess?"

As me and Zandra put our arms against the doorway adding as much pressure as we can. Then we let our arm be free.

Jay x Stephen Danplan (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now