Chapter 10~ Out for the Weekend

Start from the beginning

Gene told me that his parents gave the okay and he sent me his address. I let him know around the time I'd be there. I packed some things that would last me the weekend, and I went to Mom and Dad's room to ask to be dropped off at Gene's.

Dad got his keys and without any questions, took me to Gene's. Once we arrived, he left without a word... Wow. Not gonna bother seeing my friend's parents or my friend? Cause who cares what people I'm surrounding myself with, right?

I shuffled to the front door and shot Gene a text, saying I was at the door. Who rings or knocks on a door, am I right? Just my anxiety filled self doesn't? Okay.

I waited for a bit, and I began to hear barking which only got louder when the door was opened. "Hey, Y/n." Gene stepped away from the door, letting me inside. As soon as I stepped foot inside, a German Shepard tackled me...

"Hi," I said from the floor.

"Zeus, get off of her!" Gene commanded. "Did Dante not take you on a walk?"

The dog did as he was told, and I shakily got up. "Ouch, but whatever! He's so cute!!" I knelt down to pet Zeus.

"I feel strongly about cats, but I guess he's okay. Dante really wanted him, yet he doesn't TAKE CARE OF HIM!" Gene glared at the stairs. "Anyways, if you could take your attention off of Zeus..."

I straightened myself and gave Gene my full attention.

"We don't have any extra rooms, so you can either keep your stuff by any couch, or my room, and I guess I should show you around." So began MTV Cribs, starring Gene's house; hosted by Gene, and co-hosted by Zeus, who I frequently pet and informed of being a good boy. If that's not how MTV Cribs work, sorry. I never watched it, I just know it exists!

The last stop of the tour was Gene's room, and I finally placed my bag down upon arrival. Sadly Zeus had dropped the tour...

Gene's room was painted a really dark blue that's nearly black. There were a few posters around his room; some of bands, and some of video games. Against the right wall was his bed, and near his bed was a computer desk. Upon entering, a dresser was to the left.

"Just my room, pretty basic stuff..." Gene scanned his room, and I noticed slight panic in his eyes when he placed his eyes on something near his bed. I looked to where he was looking and saw...a death note and some manga? I'm kinda jealous! There aren't too many names that I would put in a death note, but it might be cool to keep one as a diary or something... Instead, I have to stick with cheap 50¢ notebooks that are usually used for school. As for the manga... I have to stick to reading them online or get them from the library, so super jealous!

Gene sped to the side of his bed, got onto the floor, and moved the items under his bed. I went over to Gene, and bent over him while his head was slightly under the bed. "What'cha got there?" I queried. This caused him to hit his head on the bed frame and curse. "Oh my Irene! I'm so sorry..." I dropped to the floor as he pulled his head out from under the bed. He placed a hand on his head and cursed again.

"A-are you okay?" I asked.

Gene suddenly turned a bright red. Uh-oh. He's super pissed, isn't he...? Gene took a few deep breathes, when the door suddenly swung open.

"I need the computer to look up ans-" it was Dante's voice, and he stopped mid-sentence. "Wow Gene, I really thought you would've been a top."

I felt blood rush to my face, and I quickly stood up. "That's not what's happening!" I got away from Gene.

"You don't have to be shy, I can take a hint!" Dante left the room and closed the door after him.

I've been here for about an hour, and I'm already causing problems... "I should've just told Sasha I wouldn't bother her...!" I placed my head in my hands. 

Gene sighed. "It's fine, Y/n. No harm done, kinda. If you were planning on putting your sleeping bag down here, I would suggest the basement instead. Actually, maybe keep all your stuff in the basement." Gene grabbed my bag, handed it to me, and directed me out of his room.

Upon being kicked out, from Gene's room I heard, "Seriously Gene, what the actual... I hate myself. I hate everything."

I wonder what that's about... I decided it would be best to let Gene have his moment and head to the basement, so that's what I did.

A/n: This chapter originally was kinda short, but then I went back and added Zeus!! I don't know his specific quirks at the moment, but I love him and want to give him a hug. Also, same Gene. Except I don't hate everything cause you guys, mah friends, my cats, and mY sIsTeR eXiSt! -Ahem- Can't forget about the husbandos -ahem-

Temporarily cheating on Gladion with Gene and I oop- (shut up I know it's a dead meme; I also hate it)

Nah, Gene's a lot older than me, especially in Mystreet! He's in his frickin early 30s then... PDH he's 17 or 18, so... Still illegal!! Gladion's like 14?? His age isn't mentioned in Pokémon...*cries*

Thanks for reading kawaii potato cats! I love each and every single one of you very muchly! Catch you all later! Baii~ 💖Shadow📚

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