Chapter 1-Potion Accident

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Harry was having a Potion class, with the Slytherin. It was what Dumbledore had arranged this year, for inter-house unity. And who his partner? Potion's taught by Snape. Of course, he was with Malfoy again

It was Snape's responsibility to make him miserable.

Today they were making a potion which can create a spilted version of whoever drinks it. It was a difficult one even for them, six years. But Malfoy was a Potion Genius-through Harry hated to say that.

'Cut the wormtail into two inches each.' Malfoy said.

As usual, Harry was cutting up the ingredients while Malfoy was mixing and stirring the potion. They used to worked like this so that Harry won't mess the whole thing up.

Harry cut the wormtails as carefully as he could, not want to be criticized by Malfoy, and passed it to him.

Malfoy gently put them into the cauldron and stirred three time clockwise. He muttered

'The potion should be turning to a red-purple. Why? Potter, do you... Nevermind, it's turning colour now.'

After about fifteen minutes of mixing of stirring, Malfoy poured the finished potion into a small vial. They went over to Snape and put the vial onto the table.

'Good work, Mr. Malfoy. 5 points to Slytherin for doing it well. 5 points from Gryffindor from not doing any work or helping at all.'

'I cut the ingredients!'Harry defended himself.

Snape ignored him and continued to say

'Now one of you drink and test it. You, Pott...'

'Professor Snape can I be the one to test this. I want to experience this.' Malfoy volunteered, surprisingly.

'Drink it, if you want to.'

Malfoy finished the potion in a gulp. Everything was normal in a moment. But suddenly, his expression changed to a painful one. He kneeled down, one hand gripping on his stomach, another one clutching on the teacher's desk.

Snape immediately rushed forward, he shouted

'What have you done, Potter?'

'I follow instructions, I do nothing more than that!'

'Do you cut the into wormtails two inches? It was the most important part of this potion. If you cut them wrong, the whole potion will be ruined!'

Harry flinched, he was daydreaming, he cut it into one inch each.

', I don't know if I cut it correctly...'

A flight of white light abrupted their conservation.

At the moment the light disappeared, FOUR Draco Malfoy appeared in front of their eyes. Each of them wearing robes from four different houses.

Confused by the situation now, Harry just stood there looking. What the HELL happened? Malfoy in four-houses version?

Ravenclaw and Slytherin Draco stared around the whispering class calmly. Hufflepuff Draco looked like his was going to cry out when Gryffindor's one was smiling like he was amused by the situation.

Snape recovered from his shock after a while, he dismissed the class and lead Harry and four Dracos to see Dumbledore.

'Lemon drips.' Snape said the password and the door flung open.

When Dumbledore saw four Dracos walking behind Snape, his eyes widened for a while. He asked

'So what happened in Potions?'

'Mr. Potter cut the ingredients wrongly. The splitting potion originally split one person in two just for 15 minutes, but now I need to find a reverse potion for this and I think it may require some time.'

Snape answered in a rushed speed while glaring daggers to Harry.

'So as I see now, Draco has been split into four, each in a different house. Do you have any memory about what happened, Draco...s?'

'I don't remember anything after I have tried the potion, headmaster.'

The Gryffindor Draco replied enthusiastically, while others nodded their heads.

'I am afraid that four of you should be living in the house you are in respectively before Professor Snape find the right potion.' Dumbledore informed.

'And Harry, as you are the one who causes the mess. You should be visiting them from time to time, and make sure they get along with their housemates. If you find any special changes in their actions, report to me or Snape immediately.'

So, as Dumbledore had said, Harry was leading Gryffindor Draco to their dormitory. On the way, Draco kept talking happily about everything about himself, his hobbies, his life in Slytherin, and even about how happy was him to make new friends when he lived in the Gryffindor.

Harry actually felt surprised by his performance. He was not the spoil little prat when he was in Gryffindor now. Instead he was cheerful and enthusiastic, about what Harry thought Malfoy could never represent.

Harry left the Gryffindor Draco alone with his new friends once they arrived at the Gryffindor dormitory. He looked around with wide eyes like he had seen 1000 Christmas presents. Harry decided to take his free period, to visit the other three Dracos.

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