Now, where was I

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A/N: If you get a notification from (The Vodka Affect; a MJ & Peter Parker story) dont worry that's what I changed it to

"So what really happened MJ", Gwen asks. "We all know you didn’t just slept next to each other". 

"That's it I swear", MJ had to lie, she didn’t know where Peter & her stood after last night. "Go ask him yourself if you don’t believe me"! 

"Ok, fine we believe you", Anya backs down from their little challenge. "So how did everything go". MJ told them the story, minus the 2 AM sex. 

After the story MJ headed to her room & started her homework. People would stop by her room before saying goodbye then leaving. 

MJ got done with her homework at around 12. "YES! Finally, I'm done with this", MJ yells. 

"Hey, honey I'm about to go to work", MJ's mom said. 

"Ok", MJ yells from her room. 

"Love you, bye", MJ's mom yelled from the door. The words hit MJ hard, it reminded her of last night when Peter yelled that at her. 

It was a good 5 seconds before she responded, "Uh, love you too mom". MJ heard the door shut, then Anya came running into MJ's room. 

"Come on, we're going out", Anya pulled on MJ's arm. Anya pushed MJ over to her closet. Anya threw MJ a pair of jeans & a small shirt. 

"Where are we going", MJ asks. It wasn’t just one of her shirts this one actually fit & wasn’t baggy. 

"We are going to see Peter", Anya walks out the door to let MJ change. MJ changes her clothes then walks out of her room. "Perfect". Anya pulls MJ to the door & they leave the building. They head in the way to Baskin Robbins. About halfway there Anya feels a buzzing in the back of her skull. She pushes MJ in front of her. A load of bricks falls on Anya. 

"Anya", MJ yells. She looks up to a hole in the wall of the building they were next to, the hole was about 4 stories up. MJ watched two people jump out of the building. One had 4 arms coming out of his back & the other had a long green tail. 

"Aww, looks like I missed", Scorpion said. 

"Let's try again", Doc Oct grabbed a small car & threw it at her. Two people landed in front of MJ & caught the car. It was Arachnid kid & Spider Gwen. They threw the car back at them but Doc Oct swatted it away. Gwen & Miles jumped at them. Doc Oct caught them both & slammed them into the ground. "You can kill her"! 

Scorpion walks up to MJ, grabs her by her throat & lifts her into the air. "Hey bug breath", Spiderman yells. Scorpion looks over to him & throws MJ through the wall. Spiderman runs up to him & spears him into the wall. 

He turned to Doc Oct. Peter jumped on him & ripped of his remaining octopus arms. Doc Oct lifts Gwen & Miles then slams them into the ground making them go unconscious. He grabs Spiderman then throws him at Scorpion. Scorpion grabs him & slams him into the ground. 

"Now, where was I", Scorpion turns to look at MJ who is unconscious in the rubble. He starts to walk towards MJ but Peter grabs his foot & throws him at Doc Oct. They both go stumbling back. Peter runs over to MJ & picks her up. He turns around & gets punched by one of Doc Oct's arms. They go flying through the wall. 

Doc Oct runs at them. Peter gets up & grabs an arm he rips it off then wacks Doc Oct with it. "Scorpion". 

Peter turns around & gets stabbed through the kidney. A little blood drops out of Peter's mouth. Scorpion removes the stinger the goes to stab him again. Peter grabs his arm & throws him at Doc Oct again. Peter grabs MJ & starts to swings away. 

Peter shuts a web at a building & starts swinging when a stinger rips through the web & they start falling. Peter tucks MJ into his chest & falls back first. His back slams into the ground. "That rib is broken", Peter couches up a little more blood. Doc Oct & Scorpion come running up. "You know what, I'm really getting sick of you"! 

Scorpion slingshots his tail at Peter but he catches it & throws him into the wall, he falls to the ground unconscious. Doc Oct wraps his arm around Peter's neck, choking him. Peter grabs the arm & starts swinging Doc Oct. Peter spins Doc Oct in the air then throws him into the building across the street. 

Police cars roll up arrest Doc Oct, but Scorpion got away. 

Peter swings MJ to the closet hospital. He walks her into the hospital & lays her on a gurney. Three nurses run up & take MJ into a room. Peter couldn't go with her. 

"Sir, I need to help you", A nurse says she puts a cloth on his wound. 

"No. No. I'm fine", Peter sat outside the room in his Spiderman suit. MJ's mom was in the hospital within minutes. 

"What happened", MJ's mom asked looking into the room as the doctors kept her breathing. She entered the room pulling Peter's arm so he would enter too. 

"You can't be in here", one of the doctors said. 

"I'm her mother". 

Peter just stood there silently. Eventually the doctors said something. 

"She is... in a coma", The doctor spat out. "We cannot be sure when she'll wake up". MJ's mom dropped but Peter caught her. Spiderman left, but Peter, Miles, Gwen, & Anya walked in the room moments after. 

"What happened", Anya asks going over to MJ. MJ's mom was in the chair next to her. 

"She was attacked", she started to cry. She got up & walked over to Peter, she gave him a hug. She whispered into his ear, "Thank you, for bringing her here". 

"What", Peter asks. 

"Thank you all for trying to protect her", MJ's mom said. "I really appreciate it. I'm gonna give you guys a minute". She left the room. 

"This was my dream", Peter grabbed MJ's hand. "I said I was going to protect her & I failed". Peter stormed out of the room. Nobody followed him. 

He walked down the street & into an alley. He changed into his spider suit then swung downtown. 

"Breaking news", the news lady said on a giant monitor. Peter landed on a lamp to listen in. "Spiderman attacks innocent woman then attempts to kidnap". 

"Now that's some bullshit", Peter says. He was used to it though, ever since the new paper writer came along he would only rip on Spiderman. "What other bullshit do you have planned for me today Jonah"? 

"In other news, a video of Spiderman without his mask on, uploaded from... is this right Jacob... from the Scorpion", The news lady asks. Everyone in the street was looking up at Peter. "Here is the video". 

The video was clear, it showed everything. Spiderman just got whipped into the ground by a web then his mask was ripped off. It showed Peter's face as clear as day. 

"What the fu-", Peter asks but got interrupted. 

"Spiderman is wanted for several acts against the sokovias accords", The news lady says. "Any knowledge of where Peter Parker maybe will be grateful help to the police". 

"Good thing I had Edith hide me", Peter mumbled under is mask. Police cars surround Peter. 

"Peter Parker, put your hands up & come down", A police officer said. 

The iron spider suit formed over him, the police shot at him. A crowd formed around Spiderman. "He's not a villain, he's a friend", a woman yelled. Peter swung out of there & all the way to Pepper's house. 

"Oh my god, you’re okay", Pepper hugged him. Morgan soon followed. 

"I love you", Peter said to them both then swung off. 

Vodka Affect; A MJ & Peter Parker StoryWhere stories live. Discover now