Chapter 1

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A/N: This was just supposed to be a quick little chapter but it ended up being over 7800 words! Easily my longest ever!

Ciara sighed nervously as she sat on the couch in the loft looking at her phone. She hadn't heard from Ben and was started to get worried. She had lost track of how many times she had called and texted him with no response. This was pretty unlike Ben. Ciara was just hoping that her Mom hadn't arrested Ben again but didn't want to call her and alert her of something. Ciara was about ready to start making Missing posters for Ben when Claire walked in.

Ciara jumped up "Claire!" Claire's eyes widened at Ciara. Uneasy, Claire said, "Hey...?"

Ciara rub her hands together nervously, "Have, uh, have you heard from Ben? He's been MIA and that's pretty unlike him." Before Claire could answer, Tripp walked out to where Claire and Ciara were. Tripp asked, "Why do you care where that psychopath is?"

Ciara sighed deeply, "Because he's my friend."

Ciara turned back to face Claire, "Claire, you and Ben seem to be close lately. I can't imagine what you two would have to talk about, but did he mention anything to you?"Claire smiled a small smile.

Innocently, Claire said, "He might be at the DiMera mansion?" Ciara's eyes bugged out almost like a cartoon, "What? Why would Ben be there?" Claire sighed, as if contemplating if she should tell Ciara. Ciara gently grasped Claire's arm, "If you know something, please tell me." Claire sighed, "He took a job with Stefan." Ciara shook her head, "No, no. Ben wouldn't do that. Why would he go work for Stefan DiMera?"

Tripp watched as Ciara freaked out, "Why do you care what Ben does Ciara?" Claire shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know." Tripp put a hand on Ciara's shoulders, "How about we..."

Ciara didn't acknowledge Tripp and reached for her purse which was sitting on the island. Ciara quickly said, "I have to go." as she shut the door behind her.

Claire started walking toward the couch and smirked slightly to herself. She didn't even have to do anything, which was good since Ben was more than hesitant to lie to Ciara. That made Claire roll her eyes mentally, but the plan seemed to be working.

Ciara practically ran the whole way from the loft to the DiMera mansion. Ciara couldn't possibly imagine what Stefan could have on Ben that would make him want to work for him.

When Ciara arrived at the DiMera mansion, she stood in front of the door for a few moments catching her breath before knocking. When Ciara tapped at the door, the door opened slightly. Ciara thought to herself that that was strange. Ciara took a deep breath before slowly opening the door and walking into the mansion. There was an uneasy feeling in the pit of Ciara's stomach.

Ciara looked around and saw Ben in the living room facing away from her. Ciara sighed again trying to slow down her heart before she said, "Ben?"

Ben whipped around and looked at Ciara confused, "Ciara? What're you doing here?"

Ciara took a deep breath and she walked toward Ben, "I could ask you the same thing. Why on EARTH would you take a job with Stefan DiMera?" Ben looked at Ciara in confusion, "How did you...?" It then dawned on Ben, "Claire." Ciara nodded slowly.

"Is this why you went radio silent on me? Why you weren't answering my calls or texts?" Ben swallowed hard, "Look, I know that Stefan isn't exactly the most upstanding guy in Salem-" Ciara laughed, "Yeah, you could say that again."

Ciara walked closer until she and Ben were in front of each other. Ben was now standing with his back toward the entrance and Ciara was right in front of him. Ciara took one of Ben's hands in her own a gave it a light squeeze and looked directly into Ben's eyes, "You are wanting SO badly to prove to everyone that you have changed." Ben nodded slightly, "I do, I have." Ciara let go of Ben's hand and narrowed her eyes ever so slightly, "Then how does working for Stefan DiMera help you achieve that? He's the one person in this town who probably has more enemies than you. No offence."

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