Chapter 7

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So this is the five x reader book just letting you guys know I haven't updated this one in a while so why not.🤷‍♀️
Ok enjoy!!!!!

Your POV

After me and five had that badass fight we decided to go to vanyas because five said that he trusts her and he wants to see if she would be able to understand the situation.

When we arrived at vanya's place I realized her door was locked. So me and five had to spatial jump into her apartment. It was a nice her apartment was very homey.

"So exactly how are we gonna break it to her that the world is ending and we only have 8 days to stop it?" I asked five but right before he was about to answer we heard the door open. Five then turned on the lamp light to reveal us

"Jesus" vanya said surprised
"You should have locks on your windows" five said
"I live on the second floor" vanya said setting down her things
"Rapist can climb" five said
"Your so weird" vanya and i said in sync we both exchange smiles
vanya then shut and locked the door and sat down with us. She then noticed that me and five had some blood and bruises on us
"Is that blood and y/n why do you have bruise on your neck"
"It's nothing" me and five said in sync
"Why are you here" vanya questions
"I have decided you are the only one i can trust" five said
"Why me" vanya said
"Because your ordinary" five said I then joined into the conversation because i can see the sadness in her eyes
"Because you'll listen" i said with soft smile that made vanya a little bit more happy
Vanya is still bothered by me and five having cuts and bruises so she goes to get some stuff to help it. She came back with alcohol, ice, some goth, and a needle.

She then sat down with me and five and first gave me the ice pack to put on my neck and then five rolled up his sleeve so she can clean his wound. While this was happening five started too explain the story.
"When i jumped forward and got stuck in the future you know what i found?" Five says
"No" vanya says in a quite voice
"Nothing. Absolutely nothing." Five says in a sadden tone he then continues telling vanya about the apocalypse
"As far as i could tell i was the last person left alive. I never found out what killed the human race but..... i did find something else. The date it happens. The world ends in 8 days... and i have no idea how to stop it."
Vanya is then shocked and doesn't know what to say. There was an awkward silence for about 30 seconds until vanya said
"Ill put on a pot of coffee" she then gets up to get a cup of coffee
"I survived on scraps canned food cockroaches. Anything i could find." He then chuckled and continued to say
"You know the rumor that twinkies have an endless shelf life?" Five asked and me and vanya shake are heads
"Yeah well its total bullshit."
"I can't even imagine" vanya says feeling bad for him
"You do whatever it takes to survive or you die" five says
Wow and i thought what i was going through was tuff and then the second he got home i punch him in the stomach after all he has been through.
My thought were interrupted by five saying
"Exactly what don't you understand?" He say raising his voice a little bit
"Well why didn't you just time travel back?" Vanya asks. Five just scoffs
"Gee, wish i thought of that. Time travel is a crapshoot."
I told you
I thought to myself
"I went into the ice and never acorn-ed. You think I didn't try everything to get to my family to you" five says and looks at me. I then look at him and then look down. I don't know why but i feel guilty.
"If you grew old there, you know, the apocalypse then how come you still look like a kid?" Vanya says
"I told you already. I must have gotten the equations wrong!" Five say raising his voice again
"I mean dad used to always say that time travel could mess up your mind. Maybe thats what happened?" Vanya say five then sets down his drink and starts to make his way to the door and so do i he then says
" this was a mistake. Your to young to naive to understand" vanya then interrupted him by saying
"NO. Five, y/n wait." Five and me then stop and turn around
"I haven't seen you guys in a long time and I don't wanna lose you again." Me and five then both look at each other
"That's all.... and you know what its getting late and.. i have lessons early tomorrow and i need to sleep and I'm sure you guys do to." vanya says
"Here" vanya says and gets a blanket
"You guys can sleep on the couch. I only have one is that ok"
"Yeah vanya thats fine" i then give her a reassuring smile she smiles back
"We'll talk again in the morning? I promise" vanya says and walks past me and five and says
"Night" me and five say in sync vanya then walks to her room
I then go to sit down on the couch but five stops me.
"We aren't staying here"
"Why not?"
"Because i need to see who this belongs to" he then pulls out an eye
"Ew five what the hell"
"I found it in the apocalypse in Luther's dead hand" he then shows me the eye again
"Well first things first we need to see the number on the back maybe that can help us." I tell five. He then smiles at me and we spatial jump out of vanyas apartment.

A/n: hey so do you guys still want me to continue writing this five x reader and focus only on the Aidan x reader or do you guys want both. Because i won't continue this one if you guys don't want me to. Let me know!!! Author out✌️

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