Chapter Nineteen: Reunited and it feels-

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Percy was like, ninety percent sure he knew who this one was, and he closed his eyes. He knew he wouldn't leave this cave without some sort of conflict; but he had one remaining question. "What does any of that have to do with the Golden Fleece in your possession?"

"Hm? Ah.. So that is what you are here for. Perseus Jackson. If you were cursed to be this.. Thing, for all eternity; would you not seek out remedies?"

"So, you believe tha-"

"It is not mere belief, child. I have seen it. My hand, as small a feat as it may be, returns to normal, soft skin; when placed in proximity to the Fleece. Given enough time, I will return. No matter how long may pass, I will return. Which is why I'm afraid I cannot let you take it."

"Innocent lives are at stake here. I need it."

He heard a quick, efficient shuffle; and right before he yelled out to Silena for help, he felt a sharp nailed hand grasp at his throat and squeezed. He dropped his weapons in surprise, then didn't reclaim them due to lack of oxygen. After a short while, he fell to his knees, and she seemed to loosen her grip. While he was still restricted; he could breathe more clearly, and his eyes remained hammered shut.

"There was a time where I cared about such things as innocent life." She clamped her hand down slightly. "But then again, there was a time when I was innocent life." She lowered her head, and put her mouth near Percy's ear. He could feel various snakes nipping on his head and hair, and through the lack of air one thought came through, that he thought this was very unpleasant. She whispered in his ear, somehow sounding much more human. "I was only fourteen, Perseus. A normal marrying age at the time; but time has shown the flaw in that. Try to imagine, all the suitors that had swooned for you, hiding or dying because of a curse a Goddess, one whom you praised, punished you for being flirted with. By yet another God. I was punished because she couldn't punish him." Her grip tightened to a new height, and Percy couldn't even focus on it, because he became enthralled by her story.

"That is all mortals are to them, my dear Perseus. We are middlemen, pawns to be used. You are a Son of Poseidon, a valuable pawn to be sure, but a pawn nonetheless." She paused a moment, and then continued, "I will be more to him again. I will become normal again; and he will give all that was promised. No matter if I wait a millennia." She seemed to get an idea that she rather liked. "Say my name Perseus. Say my name, Poseidon. Like you used to; at the temple." She of course knew that this wasn't her first love; but it was the closest she'd get for a while.

After a moment of Percy not responding, she tightened her grip even more, where if she did it any tighter, she'd crush his trachea. "Say it!" She commanded.

After a second, the boy mustered the strength to mutter: "M.. Medusa." Her hand lost some of its strength.

"Now tell me you love me."

"I love you, Medusa." He said, quite liking the air entering his lungs.

Her hand was merely placed upon his throat, no longer squeezing. Her voice sounded ecstatic, not at all like a monsters, and simply like a girl in love. "Now look me in the eyes, and promise me the world. Tell me of the beautiful palace you'll erect in the ocean for me. Tell me of the elegant balls and wonderful nights we'll share. Tell me, Poseidon."

What Percy did next hurt. It hurt because he could tell, the monster in front of him was a girl. A girl who'd been mistreated by both Athena and his father. He began the motion like he was about to open his eyes, when suddenly he picked up his sword, and swung in a short, chopping motion. Then, just like that, Medusa was gone. However, when he stood back to his feet, he noticed that his foot had hit something. Upon further feeling, it was her head. He quickly wrapped it using whatever he could find, including his own shoelace, then looked to his left. The Fleece. He grabbed it, and put it around his back; then it morphed into a hoodie. Neat. He opened the door out of the cave, and was about to give some lip to Silena for not hearing any of what was going on, when she saw Silena, along with Nico, Thalia, Beckendorf, and the Cyclops, The myth, the legend: Tyson.

"Percy!" Thalia stated, a tone somewhere between relief and anger. That scared Percy a little bit.

"Thals?" He said, in a rather inquisitive tone.

Thalia ran up to him, and Percy couldn't help but notice that her shirt was torn, and her belly button was exposed. Percy thought it was a rather cute belly button, but that thought was so weird he actually wanted to hit himself. Thankfully, Thalia took care of that for him, and decked him in the face. After coming back from the recoil, he yelled: "Ow! What the fu-"

"That's for pulling a stunt against Scylla! I didn't need the spear that bad!"

"Yeah but-"

Thalia then tackled him to the ground in a glomp hug. "And this is for being okay."

They stayed like that, hugging for a solid minute before Silena pulled Thalia off of him. "We need to have a girl chat real quick. I think you have a conversation you need to have with Nico."

He supposed that he did, and they all went off to their separate areas. Nico and Percy to the right, Thalia and Silena to the left, and Beckendorf and Tyson in the middle, having no idea what was going on.

"Hey." Percy said to Nico.

"Hey.. Perce I-"

"It's alright Nico."


"Yep. I think you made the right call. I was sinking, there was no way that you'd guys would get me in time. It was for the good of the quest."

"Wow. Okay, I was really expecting you to be mad."

"Oh I am. Incredibly so."


"You put the good of the quest over your friends. Even if it was the right call, I don't think you should have done it."

"Yeah.. I see what you mean."

"I hope you do." Percy's tone took on a shift, and it sounded semi-threatening. "It's okay if it's me. But if you ever try a stunt like that with Thalia, or any other of our friends; we just might have a problem."

Nico had never heard Percy like that, especially with his friend. Nico decided that he kinda deserved it, and that he'd have to earn back Percy's trust. It made sense, a split second decision he was now regretting.

The group reconvened, and Percy noticed that Thalia was blushing, and Silena was giving someone the cutesy look. Beckendorf was right next to him, but he didn't know that they had a thing. Neat.

"Y'all ready to go back to the camp!?" Beckendorf excitedly asked.

They each have their own version of Yeah, some more excited then others.

"Then let's get to Florida! We can take a train or something back from there."

"Yeah!" The Son of Poseidon yelled excitedly. Then, it hit him.

"wait a minute. The Sea of Monsters is the Bermuda Triangle!?!"

Children of The Big Three Book 2: The Sea of Monsters Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora