Chapter 15. Again

Start from the beginning

“Nooooo!” I screamed as I struggled and bucked against the chair. Toothy was laughing so hard at my predicament. It wasn’t even funny. Of all the people who would kidnap me, why did it have to be the cannibals? Unwillingly, my thoughts strayed to Hannibal Lecter, the psychopath I’ve watched on tv. Shit!

Toothy disappeared behind a door, leaving me momentarily. Hoping to escape, I searched the room for anything that could help me. Broken sofa in the corner, nah! Old and damaged tv, not! What else? As I glanced to my right, I saw a cabinet. Albeit ugly and antique as the house, it might hold something that could assist me. A dagger, a broken glass, anything.

Using all my strength, I tried to carry my weight while seated on the wooden chair. It moved a fraction. I didn’t dare look at the door as I slowly inched my way to the cabinet. Sweat dripped from my forehead down to my neck. It was an unanticipated workout. One that I would never ever consider in my life. Oh well, there was a first time for everything.

Before I could finally reach the destination, Toothy went back with –gulp- a butcher knife. Seeing that I moved on my own, his face went into a frown. “You silly girl,” he muttered to himself before grinning wide again and raising the butcher knife. I stared in complete panic at him. It was all going to end this way. Me, princess Talia, eaten by a troll of a guy.

My mind sought Cybele’s face. I’m so sorry my queen, I thought to myself in a rush. I love you so much. If I ever get out of here, I will bring you to the bed and make love to you all night. Toothy came closer, breaking my train of thought. So much for happy endings. When he raised his knife directly on my head, I squeezed my eyes shut and said a silent prayer.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

My eyes opened a fraction and I saw a guy with a black muscle shirt on frowning at Toothy. Great! Another bad guy in the house everyone. Concentrating on Mr. Muscles, I recognized him as the one who covered my face earlier in Cybele’s building. What did they want from me? Were they going to eat me together?

Muscles wagged his finger at Toothy. “I told you not to frighten the guest.” Toothy gave a disappointed look. “Sorry,” he said shamefully. “Girl looked gullible and stupid so I wanted to tease her.”

“Gullible and stupid?” I protested. “You’re the one who looked like a freaking troll! You’re the one who kept saying eat, eat. I’m neither gullible nor stupid. You’re a moron!” Uh-oh. I shouldn’t have said anything. Now they were gaping at me.

“I never thought that you’d be a smart-mouthed girl,” Muscles mumbled and walked to me. When he was near enough, I could smell his strong cologne. Cheap and powerful. Just like him. He reached a hand and painfully held his fingers on my chin. “I hate girls like you. It makes me want to punish you.”

My gaydar almost exploded. “Get yourself a boyfriend sicko,” I muttered against his grip. I received a harsh slap from him. That’s going to hurt in the morning, I thought bitterly. “I do have a boyfriend,” he sneered, pointing to Toothy. “We’re engaged.” A monster for a monster. Perfect.

To him I said, “You could do better.”

“You little bitch!” he said in contempt. “I’m going to tear that honey colored hair away from your head.” Before he could even do his threats, a woman spoke from the door. “Do not hurt the princess.” Toothy and Muscles glanced in her direction, including me. Judging from her dress and the way she carried herself, she must have been the leader or mastermind. Beside her was the lady with the crooked teeth. They were missing a member. I thought five of them entered Cybele’s building.

“What did you call me again?” I said in an almost whisper.

“You’re the princess.” She stated matter-of-factly.

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now