𝘹. 𝘨𝘪𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘥

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a dark hoodie was slipped over my head. it hugged my figure, keeping me warm and hopefully inconspicuous.

this part of the town that my mother, brothers and i lived in wasn't the safest. and because the universe just loves proving my points, a large, burly man started walking behind me. he kept his distance, but it was obvious i was his target.

i picked up my pace as i came closer to an alleyway, not wanting to be cornered in it. he realized what i was doing, and decided to run in front of me. my shoulders burned against his touch when he shoved me into the small space between the two buildings. i fell to the ground, but quickly scurried back to my feet. he was stupidly strong, and way bigger than i was.

"shit," i muttered. his huge frame blocked the only exit of the alley.

"you really shouldn't use that kind of language, young lady," he said, a sickening grin cracking his face. in the dim streetlights he looked excessively creepy. the low lighting accentuated his deep set eyes, and it casted his shadow over me. it loomed like a heavy storm cloud, and i tried not to shudder.

"and who are you to tell me that? my father?" i quickly reached for the pocket of my hoodie, and felt my fingers wrap around the the cool metal of a gun. this was a bad idea. i felt like some cornered animal. i needed to act more brave than i actually was in order to survive this.

"maybe. you could call me daddy if you really wanted, sweetcheeks."

sweetcheeks. god, i hated that fucking nickname.

"my real dad used to call me that, too. until i killed him, that is. you might want to step back before i decide to end you as well."

i pulled the gun out of my pocket, clicking off the safety and aiming it at his head. his eyes widened, and his confident smile fell. it reappeared so quickly i would have missed it if i blinked. he wasn't going to back down.

"just because you've got that gun doesn't mean you have the guts to shoot it."

i laughed at him. "i'm pretty sure i have the guts. i'm just wondering if you have the brains to know that."

he grinned wider. he felt safe. i did not. another step put him in point-blank range, and he brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear. his hand rested on my face. it was rough, calloused, and sweaty. i wanted to puke.

"why don't you leave the wondering to me, sweetcheeks?"

his hand was still on my cheek when i shot him. i didn't even flinch when his still warm hand slipped off my face, and his body hit the floor. it made a horrible squelching sound, but i couldn't focus on anything outside my anger. i don't know how long i stared at his crumpled body at my feet. i don't know how long i grinned at the sight.

i had killed two people now. i wanted to regret it— i really did. but, also, they didn't deserve my guilt. i tucked the gun back into my hoodie, being sure to click on the safety again. i walked out of the alley, not even attempting to fight my feelings of ecstasy. i knew i had done the world a favor.


i panted, trying to catch my breath after sprinting for so long.

i had a slight run-in with a police officer who wanted to know where my parents were. i was pretty damn good at lying, but i sorta blanked. it's not like i could tell him that i murdered my father, and then was kicked out by my mother when she found out. i would get arrested before i could tell him his new boyfriend was an asshole.

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