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will byers has finally gotten used to living in derry.

he even made some friends that didn't ignore him because of girls.

their names were, bev, mike, richie, stan,bill, ben and eddie. eddie was wills favourite, he was the closest with eddie because eddie understood him and didn't say stuff like "it's not my fault you don't like girls" to him. mostly because eddie didn't like girls either. eddie made will feel normal for once and like he wasn't crazy or wrong.

eddie had a mike,it was richie. the rest of the losers called him trashmouth but eddie simply called him chee or rich. richie was sweet to will, gentle as if will was a animal that would be frightened easily.

either way, will adored his new friends with everything in him because for once he felt he belonged.

richie would protect him against the bullies

eddie would make him feel normal

stan would give him good advice

bill would take care of will like an older brother

mike would give will a shoulder to cry on

bev would scare off the girls that wanted to pick on will for being a "girly boy"

ben would play lego and games with will, finally letting will have a childhood

will felt like he belonged, sure he missed his old friends but the losers club made him feel safe.

the only thing that made will byers slightly less than happy was mike wheeler. el and mike were still dating, which sucked a lot  for will. too much for someone who tells themselves they aren't jealous. because will hadn't talked to mike since he left hawkins. all mike wanted to do was talk to el, it was as if mike had forgotten will existed. plus they only had an hour of phone time total each day between el and will and el used all of it every. single. day. due to joyce's tight budget they could only afford one hour.

will didn't tell el that he was upset that he couldn't talk to his friend because of her due to the fact that he didn't want to make anything awkward between them or upset her in any way.

the only person who seemed to not have forgotten will was gone was max. who talked to him for hours every night over their walkie talkies. she was the only one who seemed to miss will or even care about him.

so yeah, the fact that will couldn't spend christmas with the losers club and instead had to spent it at the wheeler house sucked, a lot.

will dreaded leaving as he packed his stuff in his suitcase, he dreaded having to face the boy who said, "it's not my fault you don't like girls" and never even apologized. those words  had hurt will more than he'd like to admit because they were partly true. will didn't like girls, he liked mike. he just wouldn't admit it to himself. he didn't want his bullies to be right, he didn't want his dad to be right. so will byers, simply wasn't gay.

will sat in silence the whole car ride just listening to jonathan, el and joyce talking excitedly.

no one seemed to notice will crying.

but will was used to that these days.

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