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Jiang Cheng woke up to a relaxing fragrance of lotus flower from the censer. He slowly sat up and blinked his eyes, taking in the view. Simplistic yet elegant furniture, using white as main color. He took a few seconds to remember that he stayed over at Hanshi after XiChen asked him to.

Jiang Cheng looked around the room, feeling the space on the bed next to him devoid of warmth. The sky was still dark, probably would take a few more hours for the sun to rise.

"Where did he go?" Jiang Cheng got off from the bed, fixing a bit of his clothes and took the coat he randomly found on the table near by. Then, something made he turned around on his feet, his eyes caught on a drawing lying on the wooden shelf. Feeling curious, he walked over and take a look at the drawing. It was a delicate half-drawn picture of two figures facing each other. Both were standing under a big cherry tree. He didn't need another glance to realize what Lan XiChen was drawing. It was the first time they met at the gate of GusuLan Cloud Recesses, where their story started. Jiang Cheng traced the faces of both figures-which were for some reason left blank- with his fingers.


Suddenly from outside the window, a gust of wind gently flew in, sent forth a clear and radiant notes of someone playing the xiao. The sound was deep, lingering, and filled with newfound happiness. Jiang Cheng got to hear Lan XiChen played the xiao a lot of time during their night hunts. But those were completely different. Following the sound of the xiao, he soon found Lan XiChen stood outside the Cloud Recesses gate, under the very same tree that they both were familiar with.

Lan XiChen's hair and head ribbon drifted gently behind him, his long white fingers gracefully pressed against the xiao like the breeze and rain of spring. Jiang Cheng found himself unable to take his eyes away, even after the song finished.

"WanYin, you awake?" XiChen smiled after putting down his Liebing, letting it hung on his waist.

"Music is forbidden at night, as well as walking around and no one is allowed to enter Cloud Recesses until five in the morning," Jiang Cheng let out a playful smirk, "Sect Leader Lan, you keep on violating rules. Yesterday was two, and now another three? How many times do you have to copy the rules for breaking five rules within one day?"

Lan Xichen thought for a bit then replied, "A hundred for touching alcohol, three hundred for stealing, fifty for walking around after hours, another hundred for creating noises and a hundred for leaving Cloud Recesses after curfew. So that would be six hundreds and fifty copies. On top of that being a member of the Lan sect, I will have to copy the rule while doing handstand."

Jiang Cheng's eyebrows knitted together, his lips twitched uncomfortably, "H-how long would that be?"

"Since I clearly remember all the rules, I don't need to look at the book while copying, but taking into consideration that I have to do handstand while writing. It would probably take me around three months more or less." Lan XiChen said, still somehow managed to smile.

Jiang Cheng shook his head violently, "No, no no. Even with my help, that would still take too long."

"Oh? So WanYin are willing to help?" The smile on XiChen's lips grew even wider. He reached out and pulled the other man into his chest, wrapping both of them inside the coat he was wearing.

"No, I have had enough." Jiang Cheng dismissed.

"But you used to be very good at it. I still remember catching you falling asleep at our Library Pavilion."

"Don't you dare remind me of that." Jiang Cheng scolded, his ears turned red recalling that embarrassing event. He remembered wiping the drool off his lips as he ran, feeling angry for not being able to kill himself then and there.

A loud chuckle was heard from Lan XiChen's lips, "Alright, i won't." He pulled the other man closer, tightened the grasp on the latter's waist.

"XiChen, since when did you start liking me?" Jiang Cheng asked out of nowhere.

Lan XiChen didn't take a second to think, he replied instantly with a happy voice, like a kid having candy for the first time, "The very first time we met, right here under this tree. What about you WanYin?"

Slightly shocked at what he heard, Jiang Cheng's face froze for a second. Then a big, knowing smile spread widely across his thin lips, "Not telling."

"WanYin, you are not being fair."

Twenty years ago, his father registered for him and Wei WuXian to study at GusuLan Sect for a year like any other kids their ages. When he arrived with Wei WuXian, who already ran off making new friends with the new students, leaving him behind to his lonesome self. He sighed and started to make his way up the stairs by himself. As he slowly making his way towards the main entrance, a strong wind blew into his face, making a mess of his hair. He cursed, reaching up to fix it. That was when a tall white figure appeared right in front of him. His long black hair flowed softly against white fabric. It was early spring, but the weather that year was warm, so rows and rows of white cherry flowers were already in full bloom. Threads of white petals danced with the wind as if they have souls of their own, intertwining together in a beautiful picture. But as beautiful as a painting, everything paled in comparison to the person that stood under that tree. He felt his heart missed a beat, he took in a deep breath that he didn't know he was withholding. Sounds of chatters appeared and disappeared around him. All his mind was able to focus on was the white figure. The image slowly became bigger and bigger, as his feet unconsciously moved forward without the control of his brain.

The sunlight was radiant, but none of that could be compared to that warm gentle smile of the man in Lan's sect white uniform. Jiang Cheng felt his heart beat louder, unable to take his eyes away from the beautiful man in front of him.

Then the bell on Jiang Cheng's waist let out a chime. The other man in white opened his eyes, bowing his head, and their eyes met.

"YunMengJiang Sect, Jiang WanYin."

"GusuLan Sect, Lan XiChen."

If there was such thing as love at first sight, then at that moment, Jiang Cheng had fallen in love.

紫莲花/Zǐ liánhuā/ Purple LotusWhere stories live. Discover now