MJ just started at him in awe. She didn't stumble over her words very often, but for some reason, she found herself at a loss for words.

"This... This is... amazing," she managed to answer. "Where else can this take us?" MJ asked curiously. She had always wanted to travel the world. She would never admit it, but she was always jealous when Peter would return from his summer vacations, raving about all the places he was fortunate enough to visit with his family.

"Anywhere in the world," he replied, "Just ask KAREN."

MJ was thinking of all the places she dreamed of visiting. When she was a little girl, she kept a diary of all the faraway places she knew she had to visit someday. And she still kept that book in her nightstand. Most of the destinations were places she had read about in her favorite novels: Yorkshire, England from Wuthering Heights, Green Gables Farm on Prince Edward Island that inspired Anne of Green Gables, Narni, Italy that inspired the Chronicles of Narnia, and many more.

So far, not one place had been crossed off her list. But there was one place where she had always dreamed of going. And she was determined that it be the place she cross off first. And because she couldn't afford to take a trip there, this was going to be the next best thing.

"Um... Karen, could you take us to the top of the Eiffel Tower, please," she requested politely.

"Of course, Miss Jones."

MJ watched as the view from the Empire State Building disappeared and one the stunning landscape of Paris appeared before her eyes.

Peter moved to stand closer to her. He saw the twinkle in her eyes as she looked on in awe.

"Have you ever been to Paris?" he asked.

MJ shook her head. "I wish."

Peter gave her a small smile. He knew he was really fortunate, having been able to travel around the world with his mom and dad since he was young. He had been to Paris dozens of times, even got a hang of the language.

"If you look over there, you can see the Arc de Triomphe." Peter pointed to where the famous Parisian landmark was located.

Peter swiped his hand against the window, and the view shifted to a different part of Paris. "And there's the Louvre. And that's Notre Dame."

"Wow," MJ mused, "I've always wanted to go to Paris."

"Then let's go," Peter blurted without thinking.

"You're funny," she chuckled.

Peter's mouth kept talking before his brain could register what was coming out. "I'm serious. We can take a Quinjet. It'll only take a couple of hours."

"You're really not kidding, are you?"

"I'm dead serious. It'll be a date." Peter didn't even register what he just said until MJ repeated it.

"A date?" She raised her eyebrow curiously, waiting for Peter's confirmation.

Peter was internally freaking out. He may have just casually asked out MJ, the girl he's had a crush on since freshman year of high school.

"Uh, yeah, a date." He tried to play it off cool, but he felt his stomach doing somersaults.

"Ok," MJ agreed, "Let's go to Paris."


For MJ, flying in a private jet was an experience. But it wasn't just any private jet, it was straight from the Avengers' fleet. However, Peter did tell her this particular jet was for personal uses and not missions, but she still couldn't believe this was her life. She was used to coach, and this was a crazy culture shock for her.

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