Peter Parker x Reader

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Peter came into class visibly upset. Today was the day! The day he was finally going to talk to his crush, but everything seemed to go south immediately. For starters, Peter had planned on introducing himself straight after lunch. Since he and his crush had the same class afterward, he could introduce himself on the way there. But he got caught up at lunch when Flash decided to give him hell. Annoyingly, considering he had more than enough super strength and gadgets to defend himself, Peter's lunch ended up on his clothes.

Luckily he always kept a spare outfit at school in case he had to change out of the spider suit. That meant rushing to the locker rooms for a quick shower and change since smelling like greasy pizza isn't the best first impression. Once he had finally walked back to class, his crush was already there, talking with their friends. "How'd it go?" Ned asked. "It didn't." Peter huffed as he took his seat, trying not to show his disappointment. "Its alright man, we'll figure out an even better plan." "Yeah, I guess.." Peter sighed.

Thankfully there didn't seem to be any Spiderman duties after school, so Peter made a quick stop at a deli, though sadly not the one he usually went to. While he was looking at the menu, he was shocked to see his crush, and they're friend browsing the snack section. "I tried to download wicked whims, and it totally slowed down my Sims 4 game!" His crush Y/N said. "Whats wicked whims again?" "Its..." Y/N looked around the store, which was moderately full. "I'll tell you later." They mumbled.

Y/N's expression quickly changed from awkward to excited. "Anyways, I got a bunch more mods that make the game much more realistic!" "Uh-huh..." Y/N's friend said dryly, more focused on which chips to buy than listening. Peter frowned as his crush realized they're friend didn't care. "Oh come on, you gotta start playing The Sims, I need someone to talk about it with!"

His eyes widened as a new plan started to form in his head. If he started to play this game, Y/N was so into he'd have tons of things to talk with them about! He quickly ordered his food and rushed home to put the plan into action.

Late that night, Peter had finished downloading the game and was making his first sim. Deciding to go the simple route, he opted for making himself and quickly realized he wasn't very good at it. He looked up tons of pictures and videos of people who make super realistic sims, and it shouldn't be this hard! After researching how to make better Sims, he came across mods, and more specifically custom content!

He spent almost half an hour leaned over his desk and filling up his mod folder when a particular hairstyle caught his eye. "That looks just like Y/N's hair..." He mumbled. Peter suddenly came up with his second brilliant idea of the day! He could make him and his crush into sims! It would be practice for wooing his crush in real life, genius really.

Peter woke up at his desk that morning, luckily managing to pause the game before he fell asleep. The Sims were now introduced, good friends and they were roommates! Almost every interaction between the sims made Peter grin, needless to say. He loved this game.

Once he got to class, in a fit of confidence, he decided to talk to his crush. A friendly introduction, if you will.

"Hi... I'm Peter." Y/N chuckled for a moment, as Peter's confidence rapidly fell, then they looked at him questioningly. "Uh, I know? We've been in the same class all semester." Y/N said with a raised brow. "Oh, Right..." Peter said, earning another chuckle from his crush. 'I'll count that as a funny introduction.' He thought.

"Hey I heard you played the Sims 4, I just started playing recently and was wondering if you had any tips for a beginner.." He said and fought the urge to grin as Y/N's face lit up. Suddenly their teacher walked in, cutting their conversation short. His crush rushed to write something down and handed it to him. "That's my discord username, let's talk later!" They said with a smile.

Having spent hours protecting the neighborhood, and on a less exciting note doing homework, he was relieved to be able to start playing again. Even though he was looking forward to talking to Y/N, and beginning their inevitable love story, he couldn't ignore how nervous he was. Once he started playing, he made quick work of getting the Sims together. They were near married at this point, dating and completely in love.

Peter started to feel impatient watching his sim-self be with his crush and decided to message them finally. After Peter messaged his crush, they decided to voice chat. Peter was understandably stressed since he was casually talking to them while making their sim-selves fall deeply in love. Luckily they immediately hit it off, and Peter learned about taught him about cow plants, cheat codes, and a lot about mods!

"If your computer can handle it you should totally download Wicked Whims!" They said. Peter blushed deeply at the thought. "I don't know if I should..." Peter chuckled. His embarrassment was showing in his voice. "Oh, come on! My computer is awful. Let me live vicariously through you!" Y/N joked. Peter laughed, trying not to think about how that mod would affect his current household.

"Whoa, those are amazing!" Peter said after his crush sent him a photo of they're latest sims. "Haha, thanks!" Y/N said. Suddenly an uncomfortable silence fell over the call. "Uh, Y/N? Are you there?" Peter laughed nervously. "Is that... Us?" They questioned. "Huh?" Peter quickly realized his error. He had started screen-sharing by mistake, and Y/N could see everything on his screen. Peter panicked, trying to deny what they had already seen, or find some way to laugh it off and act casual.

"Uh I, No? I mean. I'm glad they're realistic enough that you can tell?"

Its Not Obssessive! Its The Sims 4! (Peter Parker X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now