Chapter 4- Leonidas & Nathan

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 After meeting Caroline, the only other living mage, Leo ran to his room at the inn. He locked the door, and told the bartender to tell people to stay away from his room. He sat down on his bed. He laid back. The pain was massive.

 He closed his eyes and entered Limbo, the land where he went when he went to sleep. Most of the time.


 Nathan sat down on the coach. He was seven years older then his friends. He knew he couldnt date Calypso, but he would stick by her side. Now Austin returned, there about the same age to. Nathan ran to his room. Locked his door and went to sleep. He went to sleep.

 He entered Limbo, he knew this because Leo was there and he said.

 "Nathan what are you doing in Limbo," he said it, probably yelled it but it only sounded like talking.

 "I dont know, why are you," I sad, it only came out as a wisper.  Leo and I where standing next to a castle.

 "This is King Machai's castle,' Leo said loudly. He was starting to get to know how to controll his voice. " Dont fight the forces, they are making you stronger, instead will them to allow you to talk normally," he said.

 "Ok, that still doesnt answer my question," I said. Leo ignored me and walked, well floated into the castle, I followed. We found are way to the throne room. Thomas was there. The king smiled as Thomas told him something.

 "Thomas was a traitor, shun told me about it," Leo said. Then King machai's smile disappeared, he drew his sword and stabbed Thomas through his chest, killing Thomas. Leo was solid, then he turned vapory and I woke up.

 There where birds out and the sun was rising. It seemed like a few minutes, but it had been hours. Leo was standing in the corner of my room.

 "Im used to Limbo seeing, your not, so I can minipulate Limbo better. If this ever happens again ill make sure I can help. And the process of waking up and going into Limbo takes a while,  it seems instant, but I woke up three hours ago. Before  you ask how same reason as I said, I have more experience," He said quickly after noticing I was awake.

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