Please Eat

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I was scrolling through Instagram when my phone froze for a second and then showed I had an incoming FaceTime call from Colby. I immediately smiled and answered, sitting up on my bed.
"Hi babe," I told him once he popped up on the screen.
"Hey beautiful. How was your day?" He smiled.
"Better now that I get to see your face," he chuckled.
"Aww, thanks babe, I miss you too," he paused, "how long until your moving down here again?"
You and Colby met when you were visiting family in LA, but you live in Oregon. You guys started dating a month after you met, but of course, you had to go back to Oregon. Y'all have been together for a year and a half now and you each visit each other as often as you can, but you finally decided to move in with him down in LA.
"I leave Friday morning, so four more days then I'll be back in LA," I smiled.
"I'm so excited. I finally get to hug my baby everyday."
You got up to get a glass of water but you got really dizzy so you stopped walking, grabbed your dresser, and closed your eyes, setting your phone on the dresser.
You didn't realize Colby could see you still.
"Hey Y/n, are you okay?" He asked and you could tell he was concerned.
"Um, yeah," you paused and opened your eyes, "I just got really dizzy," you told Colby as you let go of the dresser and grabbed your phone again.
"That's weird, you feeling alright?"
"Um, yeah, super weird. Im alright though."
"You sure? When was the last time you ate?"
You paused, knowing you haven't eaten since lunch yesterday and it's already eight at night. Colby knew there were times you just weren't hungry so you would skip a meal, but he didn't know your past with eating disorders. Whenever you skipped a meal around him he made sure you ate during the next meal, but when he wasn't around, forcing you to eat, you would skip multiple meals.
You weren't exactly a skinny girl, you've struggled with your weight for as long as you can remember. You developed an eating disorder in middle school and it's haunted you ever since. It's gone as far as you needing to be hospitalized for it, but you just couldn't move past it. Whether it's not eating, eating too much, or eating then throwing it all up, you've cycled through them all and just can't seem to get away.
"Umm, I had lunch yesterday," you told him, hoping he wouldn't get mad.
"You haven't eaten today?" You shook your head. "Why not?"
"I don't need to eat," you told him, not wanting to explain yourself anymore.
"Yes you do, Y/n. You need to eat to live. How long has this been going on?"
I hesitated, not wanting to answer him. "Since middle school," I spoke softly.
"Babe, why? You need to eat."
"Colby, no I don't. Look at me, I'm so fat. Eating is the last thing I should be doing," I couldn't look at him anymore as tears started forming in my eyes.
"Y/n," he sounded hurt, "your weight shouldn't depend on you eating or not. You are a beautifully wonderful human who amazes me everyday. I don't care about how much you weigh, or what your body shape is, or how your clothes fit. I love you for you, not the number on the scale," he paused for a couple seconds. "I don't care if I have to tell you this a million times, you are you for a reason, and you shouldn't change yourself because you are amazing."
I couldn't hold back my tears as I heard Colby say those things. I looked back at my phone and saw him just looking at me with a small smile on his face. I let a sob escape my mouth as I tried to tell him thank you.
"Of course, baby. You wanna know why else I love your size? Because you give the best cuddles. Your thighs are so comfy to lay on. Your arms give the best hugs. I love laying my head on your stomach and feeling you laugh. You are perfect, don't let anybody change that, okay?"
You nodded your head and continued to cry. You both just sat there for a minute, not talking, just enjoying each other's company.
"Once you calm down some more I want you to please go eat something, okay? Even if it's just a couple crackers."
"I love you, babe."
"I love you too, Colby."

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