Chapter One

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Emerald, like many girls her age, dreamed about one day starting a family. She had dreams about marrying the love of her life, dreams about telling her family and friends that she was expecting her first child, dreams about watching that child grow up and leading a happy, fulfilling life that would make her proud. That dream was distant and fuzzy, but dreams were usually so much more different than reality. Especially for Emerald Goldenbraid. This was no longer a sweet, futuristic fantasy but instead a rather harsh and brutal reality; one that would certainly change the course of her life forever.

This particular reality had Emerald slumped against the bathroom wall, peering down at a small, plastic stick between her fingers while tears streamed down her face. That stupid little plus sign confirmed to her that unfortunately there was a purpose behind the vomiting and missing period after all. Fighting back a whimper, she couldn't tell if she would rather scream or cry first. This was nothing to celebrate or be happy about. This was shameful. Utterly shameful.

She's not married nor is she even a legal adult. Instead, she's just another pregnant sixteen-year-old girl. The kind of girl she used to stare at when she was a young, pre-teen and think 'I'll never throw away my life like that.' The kind of girl that was often ridiculed by strangers, having their sex life unfairly judged and speculated by those who would eventually just chalk it up to 'promiscuity' anyway. The kind of girl that she'd hear many of the parents in Rudick's Hollow swear to the gods above they'd disown. The kind of girl she just became.

Emerald's mind, aside from the rising anxiety making it buzz about in her head like an angry beehive, could only flashback to a about a month ago. It had been somewhere between a week or two after she turned sixteen; Kasey had treated her to a fancy dinner he had been saving up for as belated birthday gift as well a trip to a nearby theater to see the new romantic drama she had been dying to see. Everything had gone well. Perhaps a little too well.

This hadn't been their first time, but it had been their first time in a while. Things had changed since the Pink Skulls returned. Kitty was working dutifully to become an admiral and everyone in her crew, including Kasey, trained alongside her to become a worthy member of her fleet. Outside of training, Emerald and Kasey found it difficult to find time together, so whenever they had an opportunity for a date night, they made sure to take full advantage of it.

Of course, they never once allowed the romantic atmosphere or their mutual longing to make them careless. They always made a point to play it safe and use protection, no matter what. However, as anyone who's taken a decent health class knows, there's still always room for error, no matter how many preventive measures are taken. Emerald understood that far too well by now. Kasey would too in due time.

'Oh God, Kasey...'

Emerald buried her face in her hands with an audible groan. In spite of their ups and downs, she loved Kasey and she knew that he loved her. They had even discussed a few times about getting married one day, but babies never came up into the conversation. Why would they yet? Emerald and Kasey were both barely sixteen years of age. What boy at that age, regardless of how much they may love their significant other, would want to spend their time caring for a screaming and crying infant? If there was such a boy, Emerald certainly wasn't aware of his existence, not that she could blame them. Especially if they have a promising military career ahead of them thanks to generosity of Goodfeys.

Not that it was a good time for her to be raising a child right now either.

In spite of the world being seemingly less dangerous since Necrafa's defeat, evil still lurked in the form of other foes that were still as active and vengeful as ever, meaning her job as a Mysticon Knight would never be done. The role itself required that it's user must be willing to give their life if necessary. How could she possibly perform while carrying a child? It would also be incredibly difficult for Kasey to pursue his career alongside his sister and the other Pink Skulls under this condition.

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