Our last night together - english

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The battle of Winterfell was imminent. Only one more night, then I would prepare with the Ironmen to protect Bran. That was really the least I could do for him and his family. That's why I would do it until my last breathe.

Nobody here believed that we had a chance to win against the Night king.
I did not expect to survive too. I had done so much wrong in my life. I betrayed the Starks but now I would make amends. I had no problem with dying for Brandon Stark.

I had nothing left to lose.
Well, up to...
No, I shouldn't think something like that. Sansa Stark was a graceful young woman and I was a treacherous coward. I was not even a man anymore. I couln't offer her anything because I've lost everything. I was so pathetic. I had deserved everything Bolton did to me.

Ramsay Bolton...
Sansa fed him to his own dogs. She was so much stronger than me. She managed to kill Ramsay Bolton. I couldn't do that. She was so impressive. I would've done everything to spend my last few hours with her but she was probably with Arya and Bran now. It was better that way. The two were her family.

I was alone. I leaned against a tree in the gods grove. It Was such a beautiful place, so peaceful and idyllic. Definitely a better place to die than half maimed tied to a cross. Soon Bran and the Ironmen would be here and I would not be alone anymore.

I missed Sansa. When she came running up to me and sat down next to me, I thought at first, my imagination is playing a joke with me but it was real. She was real. She wore a black dress and some of her orange hair was tied back.

"What are you doing out here alone? Aren't you cold?" she asked.
" I'm used to the cold of the north".
" I know. But you've not been here for a long time. Here at your home".
Sansa was right. Winterfell had always been my home.

"Why aren't you with Arya and Bran?"
She sighed.
"Arya is sneaking around somewhere and Bran ist talking profoundly to Tyrion Lannister".
"You should be with them now. They are your family" I said quietly and she frowned.
" Why? You are as much a part of my family as Arya and Bran."
"I betrayed your family"
"You made it up by rescuing me from Ramsay and his weird girlfriend. Besides, we grew up together. You are a part of my family".

I looked at her, touched.
"Thank you" I said.
"That means a lot to me, Sansa".
She smiled at me.

" Are you scared?" she asked.
" Yes" I noded.
"Me too. Do you think we have a chance to win?"
I closed my eyes and put my head back.
"No, I don't think so. We're fighting against the death. But I swear to you, I will do everything tonprotect Bran. I feel honored to die for him".
Sansa didn't look very pleased.

" I don't want you to die".
"Why? "
" I like you very much. That's maybe our last night together, Theon"
She interrupted me by kissing me on the mouth.
That confused me.
I really liked the taste of her lips on mine but I pushed her away from me.

"Sansa.., what are you doing... I..."
She interrupted me again.
"Theon, I love you and I know that you love me too. I don't want to Lose you but the battle is imminent. I want to spend my last hours with you".

"I'm a traitor, Sansa. A coward, a eunuch. I've lost everything".
" You're the bravest man I know. You saved my life. I will always be grateful because you saved me from Ramsay.
You came back to fight with us. You can't believe how happy I was when I saw you".
Tears welled up in her eyes. In mine too.
"I was really happy too when I saw you again. Daenerys was talking to me but I only had eyes for you."
I fell into her arms and we hugged each other very intimate.

"I love you" I said.
"I love you too" she whispered.

We shared some tender kisses because every kiss could have been the last one.
But I wanted to continue living.
For Sansa.


RIP Theon Greyjoy ♥😭

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