Chapter 1

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Last week Cedric has been sending me non-stop letters, which annoyed my brothers; Fred and George. They would either tease me or annoyed me when a letter from him came

So, when i read the letters, most was a request of me spending two week at his place before the start of school term start, which my parents agreed because my parents and the Diggory was and still a good friend

And here i am sitting on this very middle of his room, waiting for him to finish equipping his Quidditch uniform, he was the Hupplepuff's seeker where i am one of the Hupplepuff's chaser, "Oi, where is my uniform?! Did i told you to leave it in the bathroom?" He questioned

"Well, i'm sorry. I think i totally forgot about your uniform and dozed off," i sheepishly answer him

He went out the bathroom shirtless, it was normal to me because during the two weeks holiday we usually go swimming. Before i could even proceed to run away from him, he grab me by the waist and pull me up from the ground which left me dangling on his shoulder, he once told me that i am light and under weight so he can easily have an access to pull me up anytime

Anyways back to the story. He grab me by my waist and left dingling on his shoulder, he then sit on the floor and put me down, he squished his massive body into my back, he also starts to tickle me which made me laugh soo bad that i swear that my eyes are blurry because of tears. He kissed my cheek in a friendly way and left me there, traumatized about what just happen, i was laughing historically that i felt like fainting

Cedric POV

I know that she thought i kissed her in a friendly way, but too be honest. I was kissing her because i have been crushin on her since the day i bumped her, i just wish that this year or the next year we would be together

Sometimes, i am very worried of other people admire and fancies her that she fall in love as well, that's why i always spend most time with her and act like she is my girlfriend, Hannah knew about it, and she support me


Yes, i am still lying on the cold floor of Cedric's bedroom, he's in the walk-in closet, searching for his uniform. Not a while later, he came; with a massive grin written on his face, "Are you done laughing?" He questioned, i only stare at him knowing that i am out of breath. He pick me up and bring me outside, where almost all our quidditch team and their friends is, i jump from his embrace and run towards Hannah

~Time skip by the most laziest Author~


We have been flying for hours and the Girls won, the boys wanted a rematch but i declined it, earning snickers from the girls and some groan from the boys.

"Dinners ready, Cedric, Y/n call your friends too," Cedric's mother shout from inside the kitchen

"Be right there," i answer, well shout

As always, Cedric is being annoying, he lift me up and bring me into the house following by the group, they gave me this teasing look while i was busy trying to get away from his grasp, he only tightened and pulling me into his chest more harder. Causing me to suffocate from the smell of his sweat

"For merlin's beard, please put y/n down Cedric, she doesn't like it if you kept carry her around," Amos- Cedric's father said

"Sorry," he sheepishly said and put me down.

~Time skip by Fred being pranoid~

It was night time, the night before school term starts. I was thinking about what would i do everytime i got free period or what would happened to me this year, i was busy dozing off that Cedric snap his finger twice to bring me back to earth. Well, here goes another night of being annoyed by Cedric

Did you know that Cedric has a crush? No? Well he once said that he have a crush, but unknown. He told me that i know this particular person for my whole life, and that he left me thinking. Until now, i was eager to know, he always change the subject or told me to figure it by myself if i came up about the topic

Mrs Diggory and Mr Diggory went in to 'our' room and told us to go to bed, due to how long we played Quidditch. I change to my pajama and went back to Cedric bedroom, he was lying on the king sized bed with Advance Potion book grasp to his hand. When he realise my presence, he put away the book and open the cover. As usual, i climb in the bed and close my eyes, "Good night tall," i murmured onto the pillow, he pull me close to him and kissed my temple, "Good night munchkin," we then slowly faded into our little dream

~Time skip by Cedric's stuttering (if you know, you know)~

I woke up 5 in the morning and stretch, but failed to do so. Why? His hand was all around mg tiny waist, damn i'm so small. I tried to get away from his grasp which earns a small groan from him, i carefully went to the walk-in closet and soon to the bathroom

Fresh. "Good morning shortie," Cedric said in his funny morning voice, i smiled and said good morning as well a hug from me to Mr Tall. Sooner or later then, i heard Mrs Diggorry knock on the door, the door crack open to see Mrs Diggorry head's with a big smile plastered on her face, "Breakfast is ready kids," she said. Me and Cedric nodded and race down the staircase passing by a laughing Diggorry

Is that..PANCAKE!! my favourite, i might steal Cedric's huehuhuehue

A.n Hello, it's me Syifa. I know weird name, but a bloody brilliant meaning. How's the story? Enjoying it so far? I think i might update every 2 weeks or every 1 week, i have a tight schedule :P

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