The Escape Plan

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We were back in Ultron City, going to the Capitol where Ultron resides. Francis stood beside and James on the other side as all three of us peered at the capitol, I watched as some Ultron Bots clean the streets in the silence of the night.

"We can't just stare at it all night," I told them, as I turned to look at both Francis and James. "We need a plan to save this guy your talking about."

"His name is Tony," Azuri told me, he was sitting on a box of crates with Pym.

Turron was standing by a wall, watching all of us interact with each other.

"Francis you were born here, right? Can you get us into that building?" I questioned him, as I sat on the railing of the building.

"Yeah, I know this city like the back of my hand." Francis bragged as he showed us the back of his hand.

Nodding in understanding at this I looked towards Pym since he was the tech kid as James nicely put it to me. When Pym noticed that I was staring at him, he sat up and gave me a nervous smile.

"Pym can you hack into Ultron's database and find out where their holding...."

"Tony." He supplied for me since I was struggling to remember the person's name that we're saving.

I simply nodded at that and watched as he got to work with what I ordered to do, turning my attention to Turron and Azuri I tried thinking about what else to do. James though stepped in, seemingly to know how to further the plan.

"Turron, Azuri and I will distract Ultron and The Avenger Robots."

"Yes, while Francis and I go find Tony."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2019 ⏰

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