💭 | thirty five

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The time flashing on Jaemin's phone screen states 10:53pm yet he's still out of their apartment, sitting on a swing on the playground nearby. Renjun won't go home today so Jaemin doesn't really care if he might stay there until dawn. He has no plan on attending class the next day anyway.

With his grey hood on his head, covering his bloodshot swollen eyes, the brunet stared at the sand under his feet while tiredly swaying the swing he's occupying.

His whole body is drained from too much crying.

He thinks it is so crazy of him, waiting for nothing. Waiting for Jeno to like him back even though it is clear as the sky that the raven isn't into him.

He's too stubborn. He assumed too much. Holding on to the thought that Jeno liked their shared kiss, hoping that it might change the olders mind, but no.

Jeno only just got too immersed on their situation that time that's why he did that.


That kiss is meaningless.

Now Jeno already has a girlfriend. And he got her right after their kiss happened.

It felt like a big slap on his face but still he can't wake up to the reality that he's waiting for no one anymore. No. He doesn't want to wake up. His heart doesn't want him to.

"Why don't you just follow what I want?" Jaemin hoarsely asked his heart while clutching his chest.

But who is he kidding?

He knows his heart isn't at fault.

He really do want Jeno for himself and his heart is just following it.

Soon, hot tears run down on his cheeks again.

He bitterly chuckled as he thought he already let all his tears out yesterday when he confront Jeno and earlier when he saw Lami's post. Yet here he is, crying his heart again.

It hurts, it feels like his heart is being hardly squeezed. He's slightly having a hard time breathing now.

He should stop.

But he can't.


The brunet slowly lifted his head while still sobbing faintly. His sight is blurry and the surroundings is dark, the person who called him is back-facing the lamp post and his mind is not functioning well so he can't totally distinguish who it is. But base on his voice, he thinks he has an idea who the person is.

"Jaemin is that you?"


It is his seatmate in class.

It's that handsome german boy.

It is Liu Yangyang.

The jet black-haired male slowly approached Jaemin and kneeled in front of him, holding both of the older's hands while looking at him with worries visible in his eyes.

"It is really you. What are you doing here this late at night? You should be resting already. Wher-- wait are you crying?" Yangyang asked continuously yet the older just hung his head low, trying not to sob for the younger not to notice it.

But he knows he can't fool anyone.

It is really obvious that he's crying.

"H-hey Jaemin what's wrong?" Yangyang asked again, still hoping that the brunet will speak to him.

"Jaemin-ah... i might have no idea about what you are going through right now but please don't cry..." Yangyang said in a very comforting tone as he reached out for Jaemin's cheek and gently wiped his tears away using his thumb but it was just replaced with new and hot tears again. "...you'll look ugly if you do."

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