You're Leaving?

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Okay, So I was bored and I had a new idea so I decided I should publish this. It was kind of an out of the blue idea…. I hope you all like it! (:

Shay’s POV:

“What do you mean you’re leaving?” I whispered, looking down at my freshly polished nails.

“Babe, I know this is going to be hard.” His thick Irish accent vibrated through my phone.

“Niall! You have no clue how hard this is going to be for me!” I spoke up and looked out of the window. “My dad just died a month ago! The one person I had in my life besides you! I have nowhere to live after next week, what am I supposed to do?” I cried out.

“Shay, please… I’m trying not to hurt you, this is my dream and I’m finally getting the opportunity.”

“Niall, I just… I thought you’d be here.” I sniffled and hung up the phone. Niall, my best friend was leaving to audition for the X-Factor in only a few days. It sickened me that he barely decided to tell me. My mom left my dad and me when I was only four years old and just last month my dad died of a severe heart attack. Niall was the only person I had left, and he was leaving. The only option I had was to move. My aunt called me after my dad passed and offered me a place to stay at her house, in the States. At first there was no way I would even consider it. Niall even helped me fill out job applications to save up money; his mom even offered me a place to stay until I saved up enough. My phone started vibrating again, I looked down at it. Niall.

“Hello?” I mumbled and brought my knees to my chest.

“Please open the door.”

“Niall, what’re you talking about?”

“I’ve been knocking for ages!” he whined and knocked again, this time I heard it. I hung up and ran down stairs.

“Hey.” He whispered and looked at me; his brownish blonde hair glowed under the porch light.

“Hey.” I stepped out of the doorway; he walked in and embraced me in a hug. I held around his neck and sniffled, his scent engulfing me.

“I’m sorry…” he whispered into my neck. “You know I love you more than anything and if you don’t want me to go-“

“Niall, you’re going.” I cut him off. “You have too, it’s your dream.”

“Shay, if you’re not going to be okay,” he started. I shook my head and pressed my forehead against his.

“I’ll be fine.” I nodded and closed my eyes. Niall and I had been best friends since grade three; we had both graduated and were making college plans just last week.

“Stop crying.” He laughed and wiped away my tears.

“Stay here tonight?” I asked him hopefully.

“Yeah.” He nodded and half smiled at me. He wasn’t perfect and I loved that about him, his teeth were slightly crooked and his eyes were large. I grabbed his hand and led him upstairs into my bedroom, Niall and I almost always stayed the night at each other’s houses. We always shared the same bed, we always cuddled. It was what we always did. He slowly took his chinos off, along with his shirt; I was already dressed for bed. I climbed into my queen bed and pulled the comforter over me. Niall climbed in after me, he wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed the crown of my head.

“Shay?” he asked into my hair.

“Yeah?” I mumbled into my pillow.

“I love you so much, you know if something happens I’ll come home as soon as I can. You’re my everything right now, okay? We’ve been here for each other for years and it’s going to stay that way. No matter if I make it or even if I win. I’ll never ever forget about you.” He whispered. I nodded and rolled over so I was facing him. I looked into his deep blue eyes and my lips curled into a smile. We intertwined our legs together and he slowly dropped his face to mine. He softly placed his lips on top of mine for a few seconds and pulled back. It was nothing we’d never done before; Niall and I were almost in a relationship, years ago. But we decided it would be best just to stay friends, neither of us wanted to destroy our friendship.

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