The Proposal

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We stepped toward the choir room. The place that had changed our lives for the better. This was the perfect place for what I had planned and I knew it. Shuester had invited us back for the 5 year anniversary of glee club and Rachel and I had been going out for over 2 years now. Ever scince that night during the lock in. Something changed that day, we had been mortal enemies before that but then, then it was different. Something, and I'll never know what, changed. I saw her in a different light; no longer was she an annoying little diva who was too big for her boots, the was now a beautiful, kind, gifted, girl who took my breath away.  To this day I don't know what happened but I'm glad it did.

We took our seats, Rachel front and centre as usual and me next to her, my hands in her lap, her head resting on my shoulder. As everyone else filed in it was like I was transported back to high school. As if nothing had changed. Shue entered last, slung his satchel onto the piano and turned to the whiteboard, pen in hand and wrote in big letters. 'Five years'. He turned and made eye contact each one of us.

"Five years ago," he started, "I put up a form on the notice board and my life changed forever. Artie, Tina, Mercedes, Rachel and Kurt. You guys are the original 5, everyone else in this room is here because of you. Finn was next, then Puck, the unholy trinity," he flashed a smile at the girls who were sat to the side of Rachel. The use of their old nickname earnt a laugh from the rest of the group,"and Mike. We won sectionals together, it may not have been our greatest achievement but it was a start. Then came Sam and a whole bunch of others. I love each and everyone of you and I'm so proud of what you have become. So this week I want you all to reflect on the last five years. And of course, because this is glee, sing about it." This earnt another laugh from the class.

I sat diligently and listened to every word. I knew that we had grown as a family always pushing each other to be the best. I thought about Rachel, how no matter what she always came to the choir room with a smile on her face and how we had fallen in love within these walls. I decided that it was time. I leant over to Quinn and whisperd in her ear that I was ready then I stuck my hand in the air politely when Shue nodded to me I smiled and stood. "OK so I have this song that I kinda wanna sing" I walked over to the band and picked up my guitar, I had come in earlier and made sure that it was ready and in tune "and it's for you Rachel" she looked up to me with nothing but live in those big brown eyes. I cleared my throat and started singing.

I met you in the dark, you lit me up
You made me feel as though I was enough
We danced the night away, we drank too much
I held your hair back when
You were throwing up

Then you smiled over your shoulder
For a minute, I was stone-cold sober
I pulled you closer to my chest
And you asked me to stay over
I said, I already told ya
I think that you should get some rest

I knew I loved you then
But you'd never know
'Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go
I know I needed you
But I never showed
But I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go

I'll wake you up with some breakfast in bed
I'll bring you coffee with a kiss on your head
And I'll take the kids to school
Wave them goodbye
And I'll thank my lucky stars for that night

When you looked over your shoulder
For a minute, I forget that I'm older
I wanna dance with you right now
Oh, and you look as beautiful as ever
And I swear that everyday'll get better
You make me feel this way somehow

I'm so in love with you
And I hope you know
Darling your love is more than worth its weight in gold
We've come so far my dear
Look how we've grown
And I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go

I wanna live with you
Even when we're ghosts
'Cause you were always there for me when I needed you most

I'm gonna love you till
My lungs give out
I promise till death we part like in our vows
So I wrote this song for you, now everybody knows
Finally it's just you and me till we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go

Just say you won't let go
Oh, just say you won't let go

As I sang the rest of the club backed me up and Mike and Brittany danced around me. As the song finnished I undid the guitar strap and let Mike take the guitar away as Brittany handed me a small red box. I knelt down on one knee and I looked up to my beautiful girlfriend and realised that even though she had the biggest grin plated across her face there were tears in her eyes.

"Rachel," I had barely gotten the word out before she cut in with a a series of yesses and firce nods. I laughed and shook my head, "let me finnish! Rachel, we met six years ago and I foolishly wasted 4 of those years chucking slushies at you and all round not being a very nice person. But during the senior lock in two years ago, when Finn had just broken up with you something changed. We sat on that piano stool right over there, in complete darkness and you made me fall in love with you. Then my life changed. I have lived in bliss for the past two years and I want to feel that love, and I want you to feel my love for as long as you will let me love you. So Rachel Barbra Berry, will you marry me" by this point Rachel was in tears.

"yes, yes, yes a thousand times yes!" she exclaimed! I let out a breath of relief that I hadn't realised I had been holding in. I pulled her towards me and kissed her. Once we pulled away I slipped the simple diamond ring onto her finger as the rest of glee club whooped and cheered around us.

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