Meanwhile Eve is struggling to keep the Zephyr stable. She says, "I can't keep her steady."

The Zephyr knocks over a huge statue. Ardeth is slashing at the scarabs while saying, "there's too many."

Eve says, "I have an idea but we'll need some bait."

She looks at her brother on a box smacking scarabs with a folded dark metal chair.  Jonathan says, "Oh. Why are you looking at me?"

"Stand over the cargo door and wait for my signal." She commands.

"You always were bossy." Jonathan sasses.

He moves over the cargo door still smacking with the chair. Meanwhile, Rick places his hand over the valve. The scarabs come over to him. Rick says while smirking, "that's right. Come and get it."

Rick turns the valve. Air blows out forcing the scarabs out of the superstructure via the hole the scarabs made. The scarabs eating the chair that Jonathan asks nervously, "Eve?"

"Now! Jump up!"

Jonathan jumps and grabs a support beam. Eve pulls a lever, and the cargo door opens. The scarabs all fall out. From the beam Jonathan says, "next time, I work the lever and you'll be on the menu."

Eve turns to see that the Zephyr heading for a sphinx.

"We're going down!" Eve yells.

Rick in his quick thinking, sits on the hole. By doing so, the air stop leaking. They barely missing the sphinx. Eve says, " now that's something you don't see everyday."

From the outside a person could see Rick's bottom sticking out. They continue to the pyramid. 


Meanwhile, in the burial chamber. While Colins throws valuable ancient Egyptian artifacts saying, "Got to be here somewhere. I can't go back there empty handed."

Rick grabs him. Rick says, "remember us."

Jonathan looking around says, "now this is my kind of pyramid."

While Ardeth and Rick holds Colins, Eve asks, "where is Alex and Lucie?"

As Eve asks Colins, she pokes Colins in the chest. Colins glares while saying, "If you believe you can intimidate me, you are sorely -"

Eve huffs and grabs him. Eve sets a glare at him, while saying, "don't mess with a mum."

Eve dangles Colins over an abyss hole. She exclaims, "tell me where Alex and Lucie are now!"

Colins fearfully says, "The- the- the grand gallery but you'll never get them back. They're with Imhotep."

Eve just smirks. Ardeth asked, "And the Scrolls?"

"They're not here I swear. A lot can happen in 3,000 year."

Colins shrugs. Rick lifts Colins up onto something poking out on the wall. Right before he leaves Rick says, " you hang out right here."

While the group runs to save Alex and Lucie, Colins struggles.

Imhotep opens the Book of the Dead. Imhotep says joyfully, "soon the world and the amrrel of Osiris will be mine."

I look to see the others, as Eve says, " guess again, you ugly heap of rags. Give me back my son and daughter."

Alex looks delighted as he exclaims, "mom! Dad!"

Imhotep was the opposite. He yells, "insignificant insects. How dare you challenge Imhotep?!"

Imhotep bares his pearly whites (you know his teeth are white if the dead brush in the afterlife better the living) as he roars. The pyramid shakes. Rick, the ever wise guy says, "something tells me he's upset."

I yell back, " What was your first clue?!"

Imhotep shoots magic into the ground, yells "arise my warriors!"

Skeltons rise from the ground like evil potatoes. One grabs Eves leg. When Rick goes to help Eve, one jumps onto his back. Rick says, "sorry, no piggyback rides."

Rick jumps back-first into a foot-like structure. Ardeth moves in to attack Imhotep, but is blast back. While Rick, Eve, and Ardeth fights the skeleton guards, Jonathan goes to Alex to attempt to free him. Imhotep's purple magic to fly and lift a statue of Anubis. Imhotep says, "draw your last breath," to Rick, who was pined by skeletons. 

Everyone gasps. Alex yells, " Dad! No!"

The manacle reacts destroying the floor, skeleton guards, our restraints, and the statue that Imhotep is holding. As I land on the ground, I hear Alex says "maybe this thing isn't so bad after all."

Alex gets a vision. Alex says, "mom, it's the the Book of the Dead. You can send him back."

Imhotep flies down to Alex. Alex drops the Book of the Dead. Alex, Eve, Imhotep play keep-a-way with the Book of the Dead. Eve almost sends Imhotep with one way ticket to the underworld. But she is stopped by Colins. Imhotep is now ugly and purple, like an evil eggplant. Imhotep and Colins takes nature's merry-go-round out of here. The Book of the Dead is long gone. We reunion with the rest of the group. Alex hugs Rick and says, "Remind me never to wish for things to be more exciting."

I am hugged from behind by Rick after Alex goes to Eve. Jonathan says, "good riddance I say."

Rick says, "something tells me we haven't seen the last of all gauze head."

Jonathan says, " What are you talking about? That mummy beat it out of here like robe is on fire."

Eve says, "Rick's right. Imhotep must have gone to find the Scrolls of Thebes."

Alex asks, "And then he'll come back for the manacle and Lucie, won't he?"

Eve says while hugging Alex, "he'll have to go through us first."

Alex says, looking down "that's what I'm afraid of."

I say, "come on. Let's get out of here. Last one back on the Zephyr is born out of the nile."

I take off while everyone chases me back to the Zephyr. Up on the pyramid a face out of clouds.

A.N. comment thoughts about this, and if I should continue. And let me know any good names you want me to call the evil eggplant. There are 26 episodes so get creative with them. Pictures of the episode are on the next part. Thank you for reading.

The Mummy the animated series; the amrrel of OsirisWhere stories live. Discover now