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"I don't know if I could keep you though..." The adult told Cloud with tears in her eyes.
"What do you mean, 'Can't keep me'? " The littler canine questioned.
"I might die..."

'~-~' Cloud's POV '~-~'

" Fine, I'll just find this " Cloud showed her mother a picture on an old scroll, it was beautiful flower with sky-blue petals and darker coloured vine-like things coming off of it.
" No one has ever found the Flower of the Tundra, and you think you can? I'd like to see you try " Her mother laughed like it was the funniest thing she'd ever heard. " Yes, I will. I'll bring it back and you'll be wrong, very wrong " Cloud grinned (Spooky Cloud). Cloud trotted off into the snow, from the shelter of the rocks. The pretty fox glanced around, seeing less snow in one area. "Let's try this way " She went in that direction, smiling when a very brittle, frozen grass stalk pricked her paw pad. " Yeah, there's a little bit of life here. But I gotta keep going " 

'~-~' a little while later, '~-~'

The light flurry turned into a heavy blizzard. " Where's shelter? " She barked the female fox sprinted until she tripped into a shallow den, bound the get snowed in. "No one's here, I'll just stay here " She sniffed the air, finding a part of seal frozen and buried into the snow. "Well, don't mind if I do " She smiled, using her fur to warm it up and thaw it out. Once it was thawed she ate it happily. "I think the snow lightened up " She used her thin paws to dig a peep hole through the snow-barrier, seeing that it had completely stopped snowing.  Good travelling weather  she thought, pushing through the nose-wide gap. She kicked the barrier into the den, filling it with snow "Now I know I've been here " She scented something, not far off..."Blubber and...lots of fur? That ain't good " She turned to the east, seeing a large mother polar bear walking toward her. Cloud began booking it to the west, finding a thick-barked bush with dense leaves to make shelter under. " I'll stay here, I'm at least out of scent length from the Massive bear" She settled down to get some sleep. "Good night Eclipsa, Ashen....Anastasia.......Blade..." She then fell asleep, comfortably in the bush.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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