Misery of Mankind

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Spelling edits and paragraphing edits but no changes

(Patrick's POV) -dream-

Finally I'd done it. But there was blood on the pavement; and dark hair. Was it over now....I looked at the face of the man, looking hard at what is done. It didn't sicken me; he'd deserved it. But I felt like getting sick when I realized who the man was.

--end dream----

I puked when I woke up. That dream was definitely the rooted instinct of my newfound thrill; and get years ago I said I would never kill; murder; do any of that shirt and I've already killed four people. I couldn't believe that statistic.

"Patrick? You alright?" Ruby said. Her curly hair was tied in a ponytail at the base of her neck. She had a warming smile on her face - I couldn't believe how nice she was to someone as bad as me-. "Here." Ruby handed me a water. She had on her jacket for the first time,

"Thank god I don't know why my fucking  dream was horrible!" I didn't hold back anymore - the anger inside me had broken free and my language censorship was off permanently. I sipped at the water.

"Patrick? Never heard ya swear before. Why are you swearing now?" Kingston said leafing through a magazine with us  on the cover. It was some magazine.. Maybe Canadian Musician? No it had us on the cover must be Rolling Stone or Alternative Press.

"You gone and proved to be the misery of mankind," Kingston was listening to music in the background on a pilfered CD player and reading a magazine.

"They use  music on babies to make them hate it," Ruby said. "They will kill anyone and I mean anyone who's a descendant of Fall Out Boy or any and members. Patrick; physically you have DNA strands from all four of your bandmates, creating a quadruple helix. But you're the reincarnation of Patrick, not you. Mentally you're Patrick Stump, lead singer of Fall Out Boy." Ruby spoke up, looking over to what Kingston was doing. I wasn't me? But how could that be possible.

"Andy even had a secret kid they keep locked up and torture," Kingston said. Is he sure he's not Pete reborn? Cause he calls my bandmates as if he knows them. He acts like Pete, swears like him too and does crazy shit.

"Kingston, what in the hell do you know that I don't? You're acting like you knew my bandmates!" I said. I got up and stubbornly approached Kingston; he gave me that same smart ass look Pete did all the time when we were younger. He was definitely something to be wary of, considering he had a mood swing every time anyone mentioned his dad.

Kingston's dark eyes glared at me. "No shit Sherlock. I have magazines plus what my dreams tell me. Plus in case you haven't noticed if shit hadn't hit the fan, I'd probably consider you and Andy and Joe uncles. And I still fucking do." Kingston said and threw the magazine back into the messy pile. He scuffed the boots he was wearing on the floor.

"The demon is loose," I said. "The briefcase was empty when I woke up. All there was was two envelopes.  I didn't open the second one. I think it's for you, and I fucking know it." I handed the blank envelope to Kingston and he opened it. Suddenly he was trembling scared, holding a white piece of paper. Years were disappearing from his face; I saw him crying like a child who'd lost their parents in a shopping mall. His strongh was fading, his posture changed. Suddenly I felt sorry for the stubborn ass kid named Kingston; I saw he still had good in him. I was no longer a good person, and I knew what I'd done wasn't right I was ordered to do it though to avenge my bandmates. That's what my mind told me.

"This is from my dad to me." Kingston said, "I know it. It was addressed to Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz IIII," Kingston said, and his lips read the words I'd see later.

'Kingston, I love you a hell of a lot & I'm proud of you. In watching from where I am and make sure my bandmate doesn't do any crazy shit. You're the last Wentz left and I hope you realize that you are my final tie to the world. Maybe when he gets did of those evil bastards I can come and meet you. But I've always been watching over you•." was what it said and Kingston was literally sobbing.

"My dad must've been such a awesome person, a literate letter from heaven." Kingston said. "I'm gonna kill them," Kingston literally hissed. "They killed my father and my mother."

My mind was telling me this. "Kingston is not a pawn that we've placed. He has  something you need that he remembers to get at them in the end."

I left the compound to do another bunch of a tricks when I saw them walking, their tight  ponytails and black outfits reminiscent. The girls. I knew

It was them, because they recognized me. "Patrick," tbe blonde one sneered at me, approaching me. She held her hand over her gun. She had her face, her deadly beautiful face, made up. "Oh my my, haven't you grown up," she grabbed my neck. Being short is no longer a disadvantage to me. I kicked her, and she let me go. "I know Patrick stump is in there. We failed that time when Patrick died but now we will succeed because the demon is free. Fall Out Boy just killed a form of it. A part of the demon remained with
every member's  soul. When the blood splattered the spirit divided into four souls. And we will raise the souls and bring the demon to life in it's true form." She hissed at me, grasping my neck again. "So if Patrick is alive in this body, I will kill this young man and I will capture the soul of the man inside."

I ripped off the bandana, and removed my heavy jacket. "I'm very much alive, bitch." I held her own switchblade against her neck. "I'm not mr.nice guy anymore. You killed me and my bandmates. You amputated me. You disabled me. I'll be glad to use my hands to disable and amputate you." I smirked. She deserved it. But the darker haired girl didn't a

"Patrick," the black haired girl cooed, "come on, you know it's not okay to kill people." She had a innocent aura. I wouldnt kill  her.. Yet.

I didn't hesitate. I killed the blonde girl, I didn't know what I did but she was laying on the ground when I calmed and I saw the sticky blood. The dark haired girl was still alive but her neck was covered in blood from the other girl.

She wasn't the original girl. I was determined to kill the original girls, everyone involved. "Samantha." She replied when I asked her name.

"Run or else." I snapped at her. "What was she saying about the demon?" I asked her. I couldn't leave her here, but I couldn't kill her. Something about her reminded me of Elisa. Maybe the dark hair?

"She said the four guys who died got parts of the demon attached to the soul when the demon seemed to  have died wen the blood splattered, and they're planning a redirection but the government wants the descendants of the bandmembers  dead so they can recreate the four members and use their souls to resurrect the demon and implant it in a man that's currently dead."

"Currently dead?" My voice dropped a tone, suddenly, my realizations were coming to light. Was I a resurrected ghost, or was I just that kid transformed into another me?

"They kept the body of Patrick, the lead singer."

"But how-" they were fucked, I knew that form before. "How can I have come back, and been alive?" I helped her up off her feet. Vaguely reminding me of who I once was. She had lovely brown eyes... She looked almost like Elisa.

"The body of the lead singer was taken after  a major fire and they had to destroy the body, but the body was thrown into the ocean the same day a nine year old boy died. They're searching for that little boy because he was the future vessel for Patrick's spirit. The  last Defender of The Faith that lived  on in spirit. The spirit would make Patrick come back alive, the defender of the faith spirit, Patrick, the child named after him, had DNA from all four members.. And could possibly single handedly kill someone if the demon's strength remained." Sam looked at me, her lovely colored honey brown eyes staring into mine. She had beautiful eyes. I ached to feel her dark hair. She seemed to demure so quiet.. Just like Elisa.

"Sam," I said. "That's how I'm standing right here. I'm Patrick." I held out a hand to her. I had my manners still, even in my blind rage. I just wasn't the same person. Was she going to bring my old self back? Maybe. She'd be the only person I'd die for.

"I don't believe you," Sam said and she suddenly blinked, as if shocked. "You're Patrick... I know it by how you stand."  She looked at me.

Edited spelling and added a few more words

Animal That Can't Be Tamed [Patrick Stump fanfic] [#ProjectRefresh]Where stories live. Discover now