Chapter 2: My Baby Izu~

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(mysterious character POV)

My eyes laid themselves upon the old bar that stood tall in front of me. man, the league really needs to work on their choice of hideout I skipped to the door and let myself in. "Hey ev-" I began to exclaim to the bar, but I was cut short by Tomura Shigaraki pinning me to a wall by my neck. He was only using 3 fingers. I should be fine for now... I sigh, before starting up again. "Ooo, Tomura, just can't keep your hands off me? You know I've already got a crush, there's no point in you trying~"

His crimson eyes stared into mine. "That's the problem with you, Himiko Toga. You're so immature. Always running off to 'spy on the enemy', when all you really want to do is perv off your little Izuku..." I almost forgot how raspy his voice was.

"Oh no, you called me by my full name! I'm so scared!" I loved teasing.

He put me down. "Go clean yourself up. Your day isn't over yet, young Himiko..." He scratched his neck, and Kurogiri offered him a drink to calm down.

I got up and went upstairs to clean myself, as instructed. man, Shigaraki can be a dick sometimes... I slipped into a new set of clothes as well. I checked my messy buns to make sure they didn't fall out whilst I was changing. I started panting and fell onto my bed. After checking there was nobody in the room, I pulled out a pillow from under my bed. A picture of Izuku was stuck on it. "Oh my little baby Izu~" I slowly started to make out with the picture pillow. "Not too long now, soon I'll have you to myself, and on that day, I become the happiest girl in the world!~"

I put the pillow away and head back downstairs. I show a wide smile, baring my fangs. "Let's kill some heroes, maybe Izuku will chase me then~" The entire League looked at me, smiling their evil smiles. I knew how to turn them on. I then remembered a certain someone from the training camp. "And I... Know just where to start~" Lust burst through my veins. I was ready to kill, and ready to love.

(Deku POV)

"DEKU!" I immediately recognized the scream and started quivering.

It was afternoon, and we were performing a large scale battle practice, splitting the class in half, 10 heroes against 10 villains. Strangely, I was on the villains side, with Kacchan on the hero's. strange choice on All Mights part... "K-Kacchan! J-just try and stop m-me!" My body was in a battle ready pose, and I activated Full Cowling in preparation. He dived at me full pace, and aimed for my face. In an attempt to dodge, I flew right into another explosion, searing my face. The last thing I recall is All Might calling a cease-fire. After that it went dark.

that's funny, I don't feel my heartbeat

(A/n; hmm two in one day? Strange... Haha, I got bored so I wrote another chapter. It may or may not happen again, Idk. Anyway, I have decided I will update this daily unless otherwise stated. Thanks for reading, and. see you in the next chapter. ^-^)

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