He holds back a groan and instead, forces a painful smile. He already knew his case of the butterfingers would screw him over.

"Yeah, I can do that," He mumbles. Link sends him a thankful look as he turns his attention back to the patient. As Levi is bundling up the stuff in his arms, the door opens to reveal a woman. She has a cup of what Levi assumes is coffee in her hands, and a small juice box tucked under her arm as she enters.

"There's my little girl! Thank you for staying with her. The line for coffee was ridiculous!" She chirps merrily as she makes her way over to the bed, placing the cup down on the small table attached to the bed, before she hands the juice box over to her daughter.

"Ah, it's no problem, we had a great time, didn't we?" Link's overly joyous tone makes Levi want to gag. Fiona nods her head as she takes the juice box, only to stare at it for a few moments before she looks up at Link.

She doesn't have to say anything before Link takes the juice box, taking out the straw and piercing it into the box. Fiona mutters a small 'thank you' as she takes it back, happily sipping away, her toy giraffe being completely disregarded.

Levi scoops up the last bit of equipment in his arms and makes his way over to the door. Only, he doesn't make it to the door, because he trips over thin air, causing the bundle to fall from his arms. Even with his back turned to the three people behind him, he can tell of their disapproving looks and wants nothing more than to disappear into the void.

No one says a single word as Levi hurriedly scoops everything back up into his arms and rushes out the door, muttering constant apologies as he dashes towards the nearest supply cupboard. He keeps his head hung low, the familiar feeling of warmth in his cheeks.

He could not wait to get home. Today has been one plucked straight from the depths of hell.


Nico hums to himself as he finishes cleaning off the countertop that was covered in flour. It wasn't usual that he got a day off, so he decided to do something instead of wasting his day doing nothing. Levi always told him to use the days to rest, but he never listened. Nico needed to do something during the day. He just couldn't ever sit still.

Plus, Nico had subconsciously decided that making a cake would be a good idea. He'd never really baked on his own before- with his mother by his side, sure- but he'd never flown solo before. Despite his lack of baking knowledge, he still had confidence that the cake would turn out okay.

Not great, just okay.

With a tired sigh, he glances at his phone. It was almost the time in which Levi said he'd be back by and Nico just couldn't wait. Levi would surely laugh at his futile attempt at making a cake, but even so, he would still appreciate Nico's efforts.

The faint click of the door opening catches his attention away from his phone, a smile creeping onto his face as he hears the scuffing of shoes on the doormat. He thoughtlessly chucks the damp towel down on the kitchen side, a tiny plume of flour shooting into the air from the spot he missed. He debates cleaning it up, but decides against it, making his way out of the kitchen to go and greet Levi.

Nico knows as soon as he lays eyes on his boyfriend that something just isn't quite right with him.

Levi toes his shoes off, not even bothering to put them neatly where he usually does. That was one thing about Levi; he would always be on Nico's ass about putting shoes neatly. Ever since Nico had got his own place, he couldn't really care less about putting them neatly. Maybe his mother's constant nagging hadn't really imprinted on him.

"Hey," Nico finally speaks up, breaking the silence between the two. Levi looks up and stays silent, blinking a couple of times before letting out a short sigh. Nico can feel himself frown as he watches Levi lazily shrug his coat off. "How was work?"

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