Part Three! The Letter.

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"Wait, The Doctor? My mum said something about you in her letter! The Doctor... I can't remember what she said."

"Who was your mother?" The Doctor asked stopping in her tracks, instantly interested. Do you have the letter?"

"Yes it's ri-" He cut her off.

"Give it." The Doctor demanded, holding out his hand. Cara reached into her pocket for the letter.

"It's not here! How could it not be here?! I had it just before being shot! it was the last thing I had from my mum."

"I'm sorry. Wait! The person who shot you, could they have been after your letter?"

"It's possible, but why?" Cara asked.

"did you read it all yet? Maybe there's a connection; maybe they were trying to keep you from knowing something, or protect you from something she wrote in there."

"I haven't read it all, in fact I was just reading it when you came along. I've only read half of it." The Doctor stared off into space, trying to understand everything; the wheels in his hea turning. "But what could they have wanted me not to see? What could my mum have wrote?" She said.

"I don't know; but we have to find out."

"Hey maybe we could go to my mum for help," Cara replied, "she's really into mysteries, she'd like it."

"I thought your mum was dead." The Doctor stated.

"She is but my foster-mum isn't. I was talking about her."

"We'd better not..." He said looking her up and down.

"Oh yeah. I forgot. Will anyone recognize me?" She asked worriedly.

"No, I don't think so. I'm sorry." The Doctor answered sympathetically.

"Me too." Cara whispered, "so anyways, how will we find out who shot me and stole my memories?"

"I don't know. Maybe we should start with your enemies, anyone who would want you dead? Or we could investigate ; be 'real detectives'." Hesaid hinting that he wanted to be a detective.

"I've always liked action. Let's investigate!" He smiled at her and she smiled back. They both ran out of the TARDIS.

"Where does your mum live?" He asked.

"1590, Shell Ave." Cara replied.

"Alrighty then! Let's go take a look; shall we?!" He held out his hand, she grabbed it and together they ran to her old foster-mum's place. When they got there he knocked on the door and a black-haired woman opened the door.

"Hello, how can I help you?" She asked the stange man and his partner.

"'Ello! My name is The Doctor, and this is my assistant Cara. We're detectives investigating a young girl's murder; can we come in? Thank you!" He said quickly letting himself in.

"Oh my! Of course you can come in! But I don't know what would bring you here of all places!" She answered in disbelief.

"Well, our 'scources' tell us that you were her foster-mum." The Doctor replied slowly, sitting down on the woman's couch.

"That's strange, I'm most certainly not a foster-mum. Though I'd like to be. Would you like some tea?" The woman stumbled but regained her composure.

"Yes, I'd love a cup if you'd be so kind, I would also like to collaborate with my partner please." He talked fast and urgent.

"Yes right, I'll set the water to boil." The foster-mum replied. Cara glared at her back as she walked into the kitchen.

"I can't believe she said that! I-I-" Cara stuttered, The Doctor interupted, "I know, I know," He consoled. "but we have to act natural. Like nothing happened, I'm sorry, but we have to gain her trust. I'm sorry." The Doctor continued, "It's okay."

"What's okay, umm... Doctor right?" She asked.

"Yes, that's right; it's-it's-it's just my partner, Clora she knew the girl that was shot, and she misses her. She also says you are her foster-mum, sorry we must've come to the wrong door, I mean since you don't care that this girl was murdered we can just leave. Or of course we can get proof that you were her foster-mum, what did you say your name was Mrs..." He replied slightly offended.

"Ms. Hensen but you can just call me Mary," The Doctor obviously struck a chord, but she regained her calm stature. "I'm not married." Mary added with a smile. "You can stay, Clora, Doctor." She spit the words out like poison. "It'd actually be nice to have a conversation with you." She said slowly making her way to the door and locking it when she got there. The Doctor stood up.

"Mary... what are you doing?" He asked her cautiously, slowly walkking towards her. Cara stood after him.

"You think I wouldn't notice?!" Mary asked her voice raising, "CLORA! You think Iwouldn't notice?! Who are you really Doctor? What do you want from me?" She asked, slowly moving to a small table with a lamp on it, The Doctor must've thought she was just trying to get away from him.

"I want to know who killed this girl, that's all Mary. Help us find who did this." He pleaded with her.

"NO! You're lying! You want to take me away! Who are you Doctor?!" Mary yelled at the top of her lungs.

"What have you done that would want us to take you away?" The Doctor asked curiously.

"I won't tell you." She stated matter-of-factly.

"It's all right ma'am. We just want to help." Cara said in her attept to be disarming.

"No you're not! What's your goal, what do you want?" Mary asked, gripping the table lamp behind her.

"We haven't come to hurt you if that's what your asking." Cara answered.

"Stop lying!" She yelled swinging the lamp and hitting The Doctor on the back of the head, knocking him out. He crumpled to the floor with a thud.

"What was that for?!" She crouched down to where The Doctor lay. "He was only trying-" Smack! The lamp fell down on Cara's head, She collapsed to a heap on the floor.

A/N: SOOOOO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED!!!!!! Please don't kill me! Anyways, this is almost all I have in my notebook, but trust me I hope never to not update for so long! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2013 ⏰

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