The Blue Night... Kiara thought. She was just a baby when the infamous Blue Night happened but it was one of the reasons the kids at the orphanage abandoned her. Only one nun who worked at the orphanage had been effected. She was holding Kiara when it happened, lulling her to sleep with a soft lullaby that quickly turned into ear splitting screams. The others in the orphanage had found Kiara laying on the ground sleeping peacefully as the blue flames slowly spread across the room. It didn't take long for the older kids to spread rumors about her and the mysterious phenomenon. Kiara was just a baby and everyone had already started avoiding her.

"-ara, Kiara!" A voice snapped Kiara out of her thoughts and she looked up. Apparently the whole ordeal between Bon and Rin had ended, and it was time for the next group to go, and Mr. Tsubaki was trying to get her attention. "You and Paku will be starting your exercise now."

"Yes, sir." Kiara said, walking to the edge of the platform and sliding down, she stood at the starting spot and watched Paku climb down the ladder. Once both girls were ready Mr. Tsubaki told them to start and released the Leapers once both girls had started running.

Kiara easily pulled ahead of Paku, leaving a good amount of space between her and Paku, and an even larger gap between her and the Leapers.

"Woah! Kiara is fast!" Shima exclaimed. "A total cutie and extremely fit? Damn. She's the whole package— Ow, Bon!"

Kiara just rolled her eyes at Shima, silently thanking Bon for stopping him from continuing. She ran the course like all the others before her, heading up the ladder once she was done and the Leapers were back in their cages. As she was climbing up the ladder, Mr. Tsubaki's phone rung.

"Hello? Tsubaki here. I'm teaching class right now, Honey- what? Right now? I'm on my way my little kitty cat!" He hung up his phone and turned towards the class. "Okay, class! We're taking a break for a bit! Listen up now, most of the time the reaper is a peaceful demon. However, they ca read people's minds and attack when you least expect it. Until i get back you are to stay clear of the Leaper's chains- scratch that. You are not to enter the arena! We clear? Good." He turned tail and ran out of the room, shouting about a kitty cat.

"How professional." Kiara said dryly once she got up the ladder. "Leaving a class unsupervised for a bootycall."

Bon scoffed, "Unbelievable. He calls himself a teacher. True Cross Academy's supposed to be this amazing place where only the highly motivated gather. What BS." He looked at Rin from over his shoulder, "Even the students suck here."

"Seriously guy, would you just drop it already? I got my own reasons being here too, so how do you know I'm not motivated?"

"I could tell by the way you act in class."

"Oh brother, here they go again." Konekomaru muttered.

Kiara just sighed. Sure, she enjoyed chaos, but these two fighting was just getting old.

"Just a spoiled rich kid, gettin' a free ride." Bon muttered angrily.

"C'mon Bon, you're acting immature." Shima said, making an attempt to stop the fight from escalating even further. Though it seemed neither of them were going to back down.

"Please just leave him alone." Konekomaru added

"Shut up, both of you." Bon snapped, "I know what I'm doing. You say you're motivated? Okay, fine. Here's your chance to prove it."

"Oh yeah, how am I gonna prove it?"

Bon turned toward the Reaper that was sitting peacefully in the arena. "With that. If you can touch it, and get back here without getting attacked, you win. When the reaper looks into your eyes, it's gonna try to read what you're thinkin'. Any anger, sadness, and jealousy, whatever it finds, it uses. And if you look away you're dead because it'll pick that moment to attack."

"This has become interesting." Kiara muttered, grabbing a lolliepop out of her skirt pocket and popping it in her mouth after unwrapping it.

"The deal is, if you're serious about becoming an exorcist, you won't loose your cool from a little ol' Leaper. If you make back here in once piece, it'll prove you're not messing around, and I'll leave you alone."

"Wait! Bon-" Shima started.

"And I'll give it a shot too." Bon inturrupted, 'There's no way I could loose. Well? You gonna do it or what?"

"Hm sounds fun. Sure, I'll do it." Rin said.

He's actually going to do it? I feel like I should step in and do something though... but... I want to see what happens. Kiara thought.

"Yeah, like hell I will, you dumbass. You think I'm crazy? What if something happens and I get killed? Besides, if we're talking about ambition, I've got the same as you. I'm not gonna risk my life just so I could prove it to you though."

Bon looked taken aback for a second before he turned towards Konekomaru and Shima, "Did you guys tell him?" He accused, the two of them putting their hands up in defense. Bon grunted angrily before looking back at Rin. "Ambition my ass! You're using that as an excuse to chicken out!"

"Say whatever you want, guy." Rin answered. He was way ore calm than Kiara would of thought. She expected him to of accepted the challenge.

Kiara looked over at Bon, seeing that his face was twisted in rage. Obviously something was going through his head. After a second or two he started muttering. "Why didn't you do anything? Why didn't you fight back? Doesn't it piss you off?" He looked up at Rin, speaking louder now, "I'm gonna do it, stand there and watch me!"

He headed to the edge and slid down into the arena where the Reaper was peacefully sitting. The class was shouting at him to get back, though Kiara remained silent. She kind of wanted to see how everything was going to play out.

Bon made it to the Leaper with ease, though that wasn't the hard part. Getting away was. He paused in front of it and looked it in the eye. "I'm gonna become and exorcist, and defeat Satan!" He proclaimed.

"Jeez. What is he sayin? That he's gonna defeat Satan?" Izumo asked as a look of amusement appeared on her face, "What is he, a child?"

There was a sudden roar from the arena and Kiara watched as the Reaper moved to attack Bon. Though out of the corner of her eye she saw Rin fly through the air and land between Bon and the Leaper. The class screamed in horror as it bit Rin.

"Let go!" Rin shouted, Kiara watched as the Reaper pulled away, sitting on the ground quietly. "What do you think you were doing?" Rin scolded, sounding similar to Yukio, "Are you a moron? Listen up and listen closely! I'm the one who's going to defeat Satan! Stay the hell back!"

Kiara's eyes widened and she jumped down to the arena. While everyone was still distracted with the events that had just occurred one of the cages that was holding another Leaper had broken open and it was heading straight towards Rin and Bon with intent to kill.

Kiara ran past the two and towards the Leaper. When she had gotten to it, it jumped over her head. Though she was fast. Her arm snapped up and she grabbed the back leg of the frog-like beast. Her eyes gleamed and the Leaper looked back at her.

"Stop." She said darkly. Ever since the first day of Cram school, Kiara had trained with Mephisto after class everyday to strengthen and get a better hold on the abilities she had. She learned that her Fear Inducement worked best when she was physically touching whoever, or whatever she wanted to increase the fear in. After some practice it was as easy as pie. She let go of the Reaper as it landed, whimpering slightly.

Bon and Rin's argument had been put to a halt, and they were all staring at Kiara.

"What the hell was that?" Bon asked.

Kiara looked at him, "I simply told the Leaper to stop." She looked at them, seeing that some of them were looking at her skeptically.

"How?" Rin asked.

"Leapers can read your mind. It probably read something that made it stop in it's tracks." She lied with a shrug. Though unaware to her, her eyes glinted a bright gold ever so slightly, as did the rest of the class' but it was gone in the blink of an eye and they all looked at her, no longer skeptical of her. "Look, who cares if you two have the same ambition. It means you'll be able to help each other when you actually try to accomplish your goal." She walked past them and to the base of the ladder, where she paused and looked back at the two. "And when your goal is to defeat Satan himself, you're going to need all the help you can get."

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