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≻not gonna lie, i should have never came and left without telling anybody. I've come back to see that I'm not as social as I used to be. Half of my friends on here have either turned into enemies or just never came back. two of my lovers are more occupied, the other being that she's not even online anymore. two of them I see that they've found replacements? Like? they've found something to fill their void and I'm just there. It was cute and all what we had, but I feel like honest shit. I'm mostly at fault for not being there and just overall being on and off, but I just wanted y'all to know that it was nice to get to know this part of the community. I came into this app hoping to read some books and get my mind off of reality, but I ended up joining the other side of community. I ended up making friendships, destroying them, and restarting all over again just to have the same fate. I ended up making a bigger mess and I honestly miss my enemies? they were my friends but they completely turned on me because of a petty argument. Till this day I still hate them for shit, they were ironically threatening me and they were full of shit, so I'm mostly happy to have them off my back. fuck you lani, hope you feel guilty for the shit you caused me.

≻Other than that, I loved both elliot and chan, but I feel like we distanced ourselves and I feel out of place whenever I see them with someone else. Like, I'm not on their level anymore, they have someone else who's conversations are way more entertaining than mine and I honestly feel like I've went back to point 0. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with being at this moment or point of life. we're better off as friends than lovers seeing as I don't do much as the more leveled friendship you could say. I'm not saying, 'hey, let's break up' or something, I'm just voicing out what I feel honestly. I love you both so dearly and hope you meet someone better than me, that's the whole point of a multi, yes?

≻anyways, I've met some pretty awesome people on here and I just hope that when I finally decide to leave for good, I leave with someone who's willing to call and at least talk with me after everything.

≻For now, I am not leaving. I'll simply wait to see what fate makes me go through, and if I see that I've done some good things or something, than maybe I should move platforms onto twitter. I'm very active on there at times.

≻it was nice typing out what I feel, but just know that if I ever let you down, then I'm willing to talk more and open up more than ever. people say that you shouldn't change for anyone, but I've changed. That's the whole deal of growing up and changing. You aren't the you you used to be, or in my place, I'm not who I used to be. I'm willing to become someone better and willing to put aside the differences, I just hope you don't treat me differently either.

≻I've stopped my old days, I'm becoming someone new. More mature let's say, but I'm still me.

≻but onward, I  hope you all have one of the bestest days forward.

toodles, gals and pals!♡

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