Nice Of You To DROP By

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(Horror's pov)
I was just walking around snowdin when a portal randomly opened under me and i fell through.I apparently fell ontop of somebody cause i heard a grunt.I stood up and looked at who i fell on.It was a girl with (H/L) and (H/C) hair.Nightmare walked in from upstairs to see what the fuss was about until his pinpricks landed on the girl."what happened?!" he asked."I randomly teleported in here and fell on her" i said calmly.He just sighed in frustration and picked her up.He set her on the couch."You hurt her and i will end you" he said."why are you being so protective of her?" I asked.He just looked away from me and at her with a blush smacked across his face.I don't know why but i felt jealous.I rolled my pinpricks and decided to walk upstairs."and where are you going?" Nightmare asked."upstairs,what does it look like?" I said.He waled upstairs and he lead me to the room i will stay in.
(Reader's pov)
I woke up on the couch.Well mote like jolted awake cause when i 'woke' up i fell off the couch."ow" i mumbled.The skeles ran downstairs to see what happened.I rubbed the side of my head to sooth the pain."You ok kid?" classic asked while helping me up."yeah im fine just fell off the couch" I told him.I looked at the new skele."And who might you be?" I asked."The names horror" he said while twirling a axe in his hand."Well its nice of you to 'drop' by" i said while holding back a snicker.Classic high-fived me while everybody but nightmare and error laughed."are you already settled in your room?" I asked."yup" he said."ok well why don't you be careful with that axe,i don't plan on loosing a life today" i told him.He just grunted and nodded a bit.I sighed.I was quite tired even after a short 'nap'."Guys i'm gonna go take a nap" i told them.They all nodded and i waled upstairs to my room.I locked my bathroom door and looked in the mirror.I cringed at the sight of myself.Nobody understands how much i hate myself.I took my razor and started cutting.
One cut.
Two cuts.
Three cuts.
Next thing i know i cut a vein.I started feeling dizzy.Next thing i know i passed out.
(Dream's pov)
I heard a thump coming from (Y/N)'s room so i went to check.I knocked on her door.No answer.I creeked open the door and peeked inside.She wasn't in here so i knocked on her bathroom door.Still no answer.I started getting worried.I tried to open the door but it was locked.Now I'm worried.I picked the lock and opened the door to be met with something horrific.(Y/N) layed there on the floor in a tiny pool of blood.
Her blood...
I rushed over to her and checked where her injury is.Thats when i noticed the scars on her wrist.I paused for a few seconds before continuing to wrap them in bandages.I waled out the bathroom and layed her on the bed.I walked back to the bathroom and cleaned the blood up.I then told the others about it and they had the same reaction as me.Pause everything and look at me shocked.They followed me to her room and looked at her limp body on the bed."Something felt off about her but i didnt know it was this!" Nightmare said.We all sighed with sadness.We knew exactly what this meant.She hates herself.I promiss that i will help her even if it kills me because...
I love her.
(Phew.Another part done.Well i gotta go cause its the middle of the night,either that or pretty close so im gonna doze off.Laters my little sinners)

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