Chapter Twelve

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Loved the reaction to the last chapter it was amazing!I love reading all that,makes me wanna write for all of you that support me and want more!!I also liked everyone's reaction to Harry's story!This chapter is dedicated to LarryAndZiall.You'll know why babe;))Maybe Harry will get his happily after now!!Here is chapter 12!!:))

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Zayn POV

I gripped Harry tightly to my chest as tears fell from his eyes.I had half a mind to go over and punch Robin seeing as I couldn't hit the two women.How could they do such a thing to such a little and innocent child?!

At the same time..If they hadn't..I wouldn't have met Harry.I didn't know if I should hate them or be thankful..

"Harry.What would you have had us do?He slapped your mother,he could have easily hurt us then hurt you and if he killed us..We couldn't have spent all this time looking for you to save you."His mother sobbed out obviously upset at hearing the story again.

"Fuck you.I would gladly die for my son if I thought it could save him from years of pain."Harry spat back at her.She flinched and looked down.

"Call me a horrible mother if you would like Harry.But now that Derek is out of your life.We will be."She spoke strictly,smiling a warm motherly smile.

"FUCK YOU BITCH!I'm eighteen and I don't need a guardian!I don't need any of you!"He yelled,heart monitor picking up.I ran a hand through his hair in an attempt to calm him.His mother looked startled at his outburst.Gemma looked hurt and Robin looked shocked.

"H-Hazza..No we ne.."Gemma gasped and ducked as Harry threw a pillow at her.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!ALL OF YOU!Get out of my room,out of the town,out of the state!STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE!"He screamed.The doctor ran in with two nurses behind him.While the nurses forced his family from the room the doctor moved to Harry,attempting to calm him.Though I moved him from my Hazza.

"Baby..You need to calm down."I breathed,kissing him softly.Slowly his heart monitior slowed and his breathing went to normal.I moved into the bed,carefully moving him to my side and he curled into me the best he could.

"I w-want my mummy.."He whispered,making me wince at his broken sounding voice.Before I could say anything he spoke again..The same defeated and broken tone.

"I want my family to care for me..I want..Want-t.."He started crying again and I ran a hand through his hair motioning for Louis to come over.He put the crying Niall on Eleanor's lap who soothed him as Lou came over.

"Go get his mum.Just her for now."He walked out,the doctor and nurses behind him.I continued to rock him until Louis came back in with Harry's mum walking sadly behind him.I motioned for everyone to leave and with a small glare they did.

El carrying the still crying Niall while Josh walked out,talking to Aiden as Li and Lou followed them.I lifted Harry's head and kissed him softly,slipping from the blankets.

"Hurt him.I dare you."I said,my voice threateningly low.She blinked,shocked before shaking her head quickly.

"I would never."I wanted to tell her she already had but I knew that Harry wanted to fix things with her so I would rather her not hate me.And who knows maybe I can grow to like his family.But for now..I shook my head and turned,walking from the room and past my friend,brushing my shoulder with Robin's.

"ZAYN!"I couldn't hear who it was but I picked up my pace from a walk to a jog and finally started to run from the hospital tears in my eyes.What if he moved back with them.I would loose Harry right after I got him.

I needed him to live.I literally couldn't live without him.I thought about the familiar razor hidden under my bed.It had been almost a year since I last cut but now..The thought of loosing Harry had me thinking of it again.

I sighed and closed my eyes tightly,leaning on the wall of Starbucks.Pulling out a smoke I lit it and brought it to my lips,wiping my tears.I knew I would have to go back.But I needed just a little bit to hide here and cry.

I told myself after the accident I would never let anyone see me cry again..

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Sorry it's so short but hell I uploaded!!So what do you guys think?Does Zayn have a story to share to?*smirk*You thought that was the end of the drama for this?Hell no;)) Anyways..Tell me what you thought!Comment and vote!

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