Start from the beginning

Before Zoe could say anything else, she was pushed to the side causing her to stumble a bit. A teenage boy— with curly brown hair, and a goofy grin happened to be the cause of her little trample. She looked incredulously at the boy, but he was too excited to care. "Hi." He said simply.

Robin responded with a blank expression on her face, it was clear that she had never seen the boy before. Neither had Zoe. "Hi." She said.

"I'm Dustin." He said, hoping that the name might sound familiar. It didn't.

"I'm Robin," She introduced herself, this time, with a small smile on her face. "This is Zoe." She gestured to Zoe, who stood beside Dustin.

"Right, sorry for pushing you," He apologized, she waved her hand, letting Dustin know that it was fine. "Pleasure to meet you both. Uh, is— is he here?" He asked, his excitement hadn't wavered.

"Is who here?" Robin asked, although with context, it was pretty obvious who Dustin was asking for— the only other 'he' that worked here. With that, the back door busted open, causing Zoe to jump due to how unexpected it was.

Steve Harrington came from the back door, an inexplicable smile as he spotted Dustin behind the counter. "Henderson!" Steve shouted, causing Dustin to laugh as he pointed at his... friend? "Henderson! He's back! He's back!" Steve shouted, gathering a lot of attention. Zoe started at Robin for some sort of explanation, but she only shrugged her shoulders.

Zoe stepped aside from the counter, letting Steve and Dustin rejoice in their own fantasy handshake that involved lightsabers and stabbing. The two continued to laugh for no reason, just excited to see the other person. It made Zoe a bit happy, she couldn't remember the last time she had a friendship like the one Steve and Dustin had (although it was tad bit weird due to the age difference). "How many children are you friends with?" Robin asked. Steve sighed, a little annoyed with how she responded to the situation, but he didn't really care.

Zoe giggled, "Your telling me... he's friends with more than just one child?" She asked Robin who nodded— now excited that she had someone to tease Steve with. The two girls broke into a fit of snickers and comments, which was nothing more than just fun poking. Steve sighed, dragging Dustin to a random booth to talk with him there.


ZOE FINISHED HER ICE-CREAM, BEFORE HEADING BACK TO WORK. It was a pretty slow day at the Records store, but Zoe didn't mind it at all, she liked listening to the music when no one else was around, she could sing along with it and no one could judge her. The sound of the bell towards the front door was enough for Zoe to stop singing and observe who had walked into the store. It was only Robin, which should have calmed her down, but had the complete opposite affect.

Zoe watched with curious eyes as she made her way over to her. "Robin? What are you doing here? This isn't your usual hangout spot." Zoe was correct, Robin was ever rarely spotted outside of the popular ice-cream joint.

Robin pushed one side of her hair under her ear. "This is going to sound weird but, do you know any Russian?" She asked quickly but hesitantly.

Zoe quirked her eyebrow, "I'm fluent in the Russian language. I can speak, read, write in Russian ever since I was kid. My dad thought it would be good for me but it's proved to be pretty useless so far." She explained. She never really knew why her dad insisted on her learning a language that she'd never need, but she did it anyways.

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒, robin buckley ✓Where stories live. Discover now