I hate Alcor but he faszinates me at the same time.

He did something noone else could: he imressed me.

Thanks for letting me play with your friend, Cipher :3

XOXO Alcor

Alcor's Pov

I was sitting on my bed and smircing to myself.

I bet Cipher already saw the note I left him.

I chuckled to myself and stood up.

My stomach was growling and I needed to eat something.

I still couldn't believe that Weirdmagedon started only 4 years ago.

It feels like it's been forever.

I still had no idea how it all started.

All I know is that Cipher somehow managed to get the rift from Ford.

I took out a box with deer and ate it.

My hide out was a bunker in the woods.

I found it when I was younger.

Since day one I spend here I started to build wappenes to defend myself.

I also practiced my magic and I have to admit I am great at it.

I can make things apear, I can teleport, I can use fire, water and air and I can lift heavy things like they are nothing.

I also have amazing reflexes.

Faster then I alredy had when the apocalyps started.

And that meanes something.

A year later I found a way to kill a demon.

It's easy acsually.

All I had to do was clean my weppens with unicorn hair.

I found a dead unicorn and cut away all the hair.

I once had a family member who told me that unicorn hair holds away demons and other weirdness.

Once my knive fell into the hair and I later killed a demon with it.

It was a descovery by accident but it helped me a lot in the past 3 years.

By now I killed around 50 demons and I am sure there will be more.

I finished eating and decided to walk around the forest.

I studied Cipher's maniacs and noticed that they come only once a day into the woods.

I killed one today which means I shouldn't meet anyone but I still took my gun with me.

And a few knives.

And a little unicorn hair.

Okay I admit, I am overprepaired.

Better save then sorry, right?

The unicorn hair lay in my pocket which was glued on my belt.

My belt also had a few openings for the 4 knives I am always cariing there.

A bigger opening for my gun.

A few knives were hidden in my black outfit.

Like one in my boots, one in my hood and one in my sleve.

Everything was rubbed in unicorn hair.

My cloths covered most of my skin but my hands and my face.

I use my hood to hide my identaty.

Slowly I opened the dor of the bunker and looked around.

Noone in sight.

I closed the dor behind me.

I looked for the traps I set up.

I made shure that noone, not a demon and not a human, can askape them.

I placed like 12 around the forest.

Everyday I check them and if I catch a demon I kill them.

Sometimes I meet a demon that wasn't in a trap.

I mostly shoot them with my gun before they could even see me.

If they sit in the trap I just use a knive to kill them.

In no time I checked all the trapes and they were all empty and active.

I walked back and tryed ro stay in the shadows.

We had midnight and demons most likely come at this time.

But to my luck I made it safely to my hide out.

I opened the trapdor by hitting a fake branch.

I quietly went inside and closed the dor.

I set on my desk and looked at a thing that I haven't worn since Weirdmagedon.

It cuts my live in before and after.

A thing that remindes me of my family.

My famous Pinetree hat.

That's it thanks for reading.
Hope you liled it.
Tell me what you think of the storry so far.
See you soon!!!

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