Chapter-7 Concern

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Care and concern is the sweetest form of love.

“What is taking them so long?” she thinks as she waits outside for Ram
and Kartik who have been to the study room. She still can’t take the fact that he clearly denied to let her go to “her maayka”. She doesn’t have
any idea why he said that. Is he trying to show his dominance on this so
called marriage? How dare he? He has no right to interfere on her
personal matters. How can he just deny to let her go? Yes, somewhere
she doesn’t want to go to that house again to face all those things again.
She is now tired of that. But the fact that he denied has hurt her ego and
now she wants to go.

She comes out of her thought as she hears Kartik saying “You finally
have got what you deserve di. Jiju is the one who can take care of you
and give the love you deserve.” Kartik smiles and takes leave before she
can say something. He was here to take her with him and now he is
going without her. God knows what they talked. Mr. Kapoor seems to
have well impressed his brother-in-law.

She barges into the study room without knocking in a bit angry mood.

“Why the hell I am not allowed to go to my house?”

“Your house? Seriously?” He smirks putting the cigarette out on the tray
placed on the table.

He smokes!? She hates that. She doesn’t like the smell nor she likes the person who smokes. She makes faces and comes in her senses as she
realizes he has got up and is now dangerously moving towards her.
“So my wife is a vegetarian and also she doesn’t like cigarette” he
continues moving towards Priya who is looking straight in his eyes
without moving a bit.

“Don’t try to change the topic. You think you can control me by denying
to let me got to my own house?”

She is taking the whole thing wrong. God woman! He holds her arms
and says “My own house you said. Really Priya? Do you really want to
go to the same house where you have got nothing but pain?” She looks
at his eyes full of care. Seeing that she has a second thought, Has she
taken the whole thing in a negative way? May be because she was
disturbed with the fact that he was still talking to that Esha. You don’t
own him, her mind mocks at her. Her ego still stands straight.

“Yes. I want to go!”

“But I won’t let you go. I don’t want my wife to go there and face

“Why do you think I will face humiliation by going there?”

“Because I remember what you told me and the convo that took place
between you and your “Parents”.”
“But I want to go and you can’t stop me. Just because I’m your wife
doesn’t mean that I will agree to do whatever you say.”

“May I ask why you want to go to the house where you are not heartily
welcomed!” he says leaving her arms.

“Yes! You are right. I am not welcomed in their house. Yes you are
damn right I don’t want to go there. But there is tradition Mr. Kapoor.
We can’t deny that. And what about Dadi? She doesn’t have any idea
about my relation with Mr. and Mrs. Sharma. At least for her sake I have
to go there. She will feel bad if I don’t go there. I know it’s not right to
keep her unaware of the truth. But I need sometime before I can tell her.
You can understand that right?”

He simply nods without saying anything.

“Drop me there when you will go to bring Natasha”

“Are you commanding me? Just because I’m your husband doesn’t
mean that you can order me and I will agree to do whatever you say” he

Getting the hint of sarcasm in his reply she glares at him first and then
smiles in a sarcastic way saying “Please can you drop me there?”

“With all my pleasure darling” he replies with his ever charming smile.

She blushes at the reply and turns immediately trying to hide that
blushful smile.

He holds her left hand in his right from behind when she
starts to leave. She turns. “You didn’t reply. My wife doesn’t like
cigarette. Is that so?”

“She doesn’t like cigarette and she hates smokers as well” She takes out
her hand from his hold with a smirk.

Moving close to her he says “So she loves non-smokers. That means I
have to quit smoking!?”

All of a sudden she gets nervous with his breath touching her face.
Before she can reply they hear a knock. Bansi Kaka informs them that
Dadi is back and wants Ram to meet her.
Dadi asks Priya to go and pack her stuff as they tell her Kartik already
came and Ram is going to drop her in Sharma house.
Of course she asked why didn’t she go with Kartik. And then Mr.
Kapoor had to come ahead and act like a possessive husband in front of
her. Was he really acting or he has actually started to have possessive
feelings towards her already? His mind questions him as he sits with
Dadi in the hall.
Where the hell is her all clothes and other stuffs. She remembers
bringing the suitcases to their room and placing them next to his
cupboard. Did he put her stuff in his cupboard? No, of course he didn’t.
She remembers how he behaved possessive about his bed side earlier. So how could he easily let the space for her? She thinks to check once.
He comes to the room as dadi orders him to go and help his wife. “Ye
daadi bhi naa”

He moves to the changing room without realizing someone was there.
There she stands with a piece of old paper in her hand and now looking
towards him with teary eyes.
His eyes red with anger written all over his face. He shouts at the top of
his voice, “How dare you!?”

Here I end the update. Please do vote and comment.
And as usual sorry about the length. I am trying to be regular. So the
updates will be shorter 😅

A RaYa Fan

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