1/The Dollar Depot

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1/(Unedited 8/5/19)

The Dollar Depot doesn't look any more significant in the sunset than in the sunrise.  It's a tired brick building on the way out of town.  Here in Dunbar it's past its prime, there are many newer more exciting buildings.  Dunbar has the state's highest waterfalls, it's own canyon and coast line, and to the north most boundary a small mountain made famous by Instagram savvy millennials. 

I think the Dollar Depot remains because, who didn't shop at the Dollar Depot for all their insignificant crap, bad romances, cheap wine, and fifty-cent anniversary cards. 

I was here on aisle three, holding a green hand basket looking at an 'I'm sorry' card for my husband.  Sorry you thought I would be back, I'm leaving you, didn't seem to be a section.

Still I scanned the cards looking for the perfect card he would hate, more flowers maybe a sad puppy.

Someone cleared their throat. I took a step forward letting them pass.

Instead they spoke.

"You look familiar. Where do I know you from?"

A voice that deep, I had to look because who did this guy think I was?

I knew I was the chick panicking before I left my husband and this town. 

"Who do you think I look like?" it's been a long time since any male looked long enough to think much of me. 

Mr.I-know-you rested his forearms on his cart, wincing a little.

If am hoping to put three-hundred miles between myself and here by tonight, this guy looked like he had walked three-hundred miles, this morning.

He needed a good shave and a haircut but, atop the dark brown stubble were watchful blue eyes. 

"You don't look like you're from here at all, so how could I look familiar?"

"You don't remember me do you Jessica?"

But, I did. When my heart started again, I remembered that he wasn't from here.  That once upon a time, he had stayed here for me.  But that was before.


What do you say to the guy you thought you would marry when you were young?

"I married an a**hole instead of you."

That's what you say when the guy you know you'd never run into, you run into.

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