Happy fifty everyone!

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Time to celebrate! This is the first time I've ever reached fifty chapters from another fandom uwu uwu I feel so accomplished lmao! I really appreciate your comments and votes and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who laughs at the people's comments from their own books because that's what brings me joy in life so thank you guys so much I really love them!! ❤️ ❤️

Emma: I've been watching you for some time

Emma: can't stop staring at those ocean eyes

Norman: are you talking about mine?

Emma: I was talking about Phil's but I guess yours works too

Ray: since you've been under experiments in lambda

Ray: and you had an abnormal development and irregular maturation

Ray: how exactly do you think your age is based on your looks?

Norman: I guess maybe 20?

Ray: doesn't look like it

Norman: how so?

Ray: whenever I see you and Emma beside each other I always think of a father and a daughter or a pervert and a loli but I'll never know that wouldn't I?

Emma: you know what time it is?!

Don: Adventure time!

Gilda: it's 12:42 pm.

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