Chapter one

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(Third person POV )
Its spring time , it's warm outside the sun is shining bright and prince is on his way to work at the local cafe.
Prince POV
It's around 9:40 and my shift starts at 10:00, I'm walking to work due to the fact that I don't have a car but there ain't nothing wrong with a little exercise. I was just about to walk into the cafe when my phone starts ringing it's my Bestfriend shelia , she's literally been there for me through everything. I answer the phone , hey girl what's  up but make it quick my shift is about to start.

Hey love I was just calling to see if we're interested at working at this new club that's opening called Angelz.

Hmmm I'm not sure shelia , but I'll let you know when I get off , I'll call you then , by girl luv ya

Bye honey luv ya too , and don't forget to call me back skipper I mean it

Hahaha I won't I promise bye

I walk back behind the counter and put on my apron and prepare for my work day to start.

Michaels POV
I've been in meetings all morning, at this point I'm ready to go home and relax but I can't. Once I get home I have to get packing and book my hotel for Minnesota, my Flight leaves at 5:00am on Friday morning and it's Wednesday. This entire week has been stressful due to the fact that I have my new club is opening and trying to make sure that everything is perfect , because if it into perfect trust all hell will break loose. I'm leaving my last meeting of the day going to my office to pack up my belongings when I get a call from sister/assistant Latoya telling me that I have a free day tomorrow to do whatever I please and boy was I glad to hear that because I need at least one day to relax from all the craziness. We say our good byes and I head out to my red corvette and drive home. I get home and the fist thing I do is literally run to my bed to take a nap because man am I exaused. I wake up a few hours later to see that it's 8:00, I force myself to get up so I could eat and then start packing. I decided not and decided on Chinese take out. Once my food gets here I decided to eat , chill, and watch Tv. Shortly after I'm finished eating I force myself up out of my comfortable position to go start packing because if I don't do it now then I'll be rushing and doing it later. I pack all my basic necessities, two suits, there casual outfits, shoes, and swim wear. Once I'm done with that I grab my laptop and look for the best hotels in Minnesota, I end up choosing the grand hotel Minneapolis I booked my room for a week. Lastly I booked my plane ticket after that I decided to call it a night.
Prince POV
It's been a long day, I got off at 10 pm and not getting home till 10:30, I've been standing all day and my greet hurt and on top of that I'm exhausted and ready to jet get in my bed and call it a might and that was exactly what I was about to do until I remembered that I had to call shelia back or she was gonna let my ass have it. After taking a shower, washing my face , brushing my teeth, and putting on my pajamas, I go grab my phone to go call shelia hopefully she's up. I click on her name it's rings a few times before she answers, she finally picks up , hey prince you actually called back I honestly thought you were gonna forget

Nope didn't forget, but what is this new club that you speak of that's opening soon and they're hiring?

Yeah prince it's this club called Angelz it opens Friday night at 8:00pm but they still have some opening and Ik you were looking for a better paying job

Yeah I was looking for a better job , but I don't know if I wanna work at a club shelia, idk I'll look in too it tho , and thanx for letting me know

No problem hun that's what's Bestfriends are for right to help each other out

Yeah that's right you know I always gotcha ya back girl but I'll catch up with you tomorrow, I'm off tomorrow if you wanna meet up but as for now I'm going to call it a night okayyy

Haha okay hun I'll see you tomorrow , byeeee

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