joke part (this is for me not updating)

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"No wait, stop." Rust demanded. You turn around and see Rust. "This story is f*cking bullsh*t" You laugh "You have censors!". Rust pouts "Why is there censors?!" Then within a second, Alone appears out of nowhere "Are you complain again?!". Rust turns around "THIS F*CKING STORY DOESN'T INVOLVE YOU, YOU F*CKING C*NT!". Alone stares blankly "Well, i wasn't one who is idiot". Rust grabs a book out of nowhere, aiming it at Alone's head. "YOU F*CKING ASKED FOR IT, YOU F*CKING GRAY PIECE OF SH*T" Then throws the book, it misses Alone's head and hits SELOZAR instead. "Sh*t" Rust whispers. Albert runs over to where SELOZAR is. He stares at the ground for 10 minutes. "WHO IN THE F*CKING RIGHT MIND WOULD HURT SELOZA-" Albert stops. "D-Did..Did i just swear?..". Rust nods "Yep." Alone looks around. "Where are we anyway?" Rust looks around as well. "Yeah, where the f*ck are we?" Rust sighs "Guess i'll ask the author.." Rust looks up. "HEY YOU!" The author looks down. "M-Me?"  Rust stares. "Yeah, who you think i was f*cking talking to? Anyway, can i ask you something?" The author sits down on their chair. "Sure, you can ask me anything." Rust looks at Alone and looks back up at the author. "Where are we?" The author realizes. "Oh, yeah! I forgot about that! Here, let me do this.." The area is a forest of some kind. Alone looks around. "Neat!". "OW F*CK!" Rust looks over. "Unstable, why are you here? This story doesn't even involve you..". Unstable screams "IT DOESN'T?!". "This parts gonna be over anyways" Radiant exclaims. Rust looks around in a confused way. "HOW THE F*CK DID YOU GET HERE?!". Radiant sighs "Logic. How'd ya think Unstable got here?"

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