A Hero Needs Comfort

353 14 18

[[There is no chapter cover yet because of school. I decided to work on chapters instead and puts in the chapter covers as extras instead when I have the time to draw them]]

[[I hope you enjoy this chapter. Also, if you have any suggestions of a chapter then please comment down below. Thank you]]

"Easy there, Badgerclops", Mao Mao said as he assisted his stomach hurting nauseous friend inside the house. They just went back from the village where Mao Mao and Adorabat had finished cleaning all of the mess made from the battle with the Sky Pirates. That battle where Mao Mao almost got sliced into pieces by Oragusnake.

"I told you not to eat all of those pie samples. You said that you weren't gonna get a stomach ache, but look where you are now", Mao Mao continuously scolded. He fluffed one of the couch's pillows then placed it back down as he have Badgerclops sit within a comfortable position to help with the nauseous stomach pain. Adorabat had grabbed the trash bin from the corner of the room and placed it near Badgerclops, "Here you go, Badgerclops. Just in case, you know". "Gu-Guys, you don't h-have t-!!!", Badgerclops hunched over as he gagged with robo-hand over his mouth. Mao Mao pulled the trash bin closer to his partner; he stopped gagging after a few seconds as his robo-hand went back to clutching his stomach.

"Take deep breaths", Mao Mao stated as he gently rubbed Badgerclops' back, "You always taking care of me whenever I get bad stomach pains, it's my turn to repay the favor". "Dad, is Badgerclops gonna be okay?", seeing the chill badger be in such pain filled her with worry. "He'll be fine, Adorabat. One cup of chamomile tea will do the trick", he looked back to Badgerclops, "I'll be in the kitchen preparing right now. Just sit tight for a quick moment". The black feline went into the kitchen to begin preparing the tea, but realized that they ran out of tea packets needed to help Badgerclops.
Adorabat uses one wing to rub her other dad's back. She heard Mao Mao mumbled something inside the kitchen before exiting, "I'm going to the market to buy more tea packets before it closes. I'll be back in a few minutes".

"Can I come with you, Mao Mao?", Adorabat quickly asked and hoped the answer would be yes, "No, Adorabat. You have to stay here". "Pretty please! You said it'll be just a few minutes", Adorabat beg, "No. It's already too late out for you, and you have to stay here and keep an eye on Badgerclops incase anything happens", Mao Mao explained. She was gonna try to protest, but decided not to as she knew that Mao Mao wasn't going to change his answer. She watched as Mao Mao exit out of the house and hopped back onto his aerocycle before flying back to the town. It was just a few minutes that he'll be out. Nothing to worry about! Her dad was strong enough! He can be able to defend himself! Especially at night time where no one is around.


Her dad is gonna go alone in the night?!
What if Orangusnake tries to chop him up again?! She can't be able to defend him if she isn't there! "Dad, please be okay", Adorabat silently whimpered. Even when in total agony from the curse of delicious pies, Badgerclops heard of Adorabat's worrying, "Mao Mao will be fi-", Badgerclops started gagging once more. The small bat took action and rubbed the badger's back gently with her wing. Badgerclops gagged a few more times before stopping, "A-As I was sa-saying...Mao Mao's gonna be fine. You know how strong he is. Remember the other times Mao Mao jumped into danger? He was all okay afterwards". Adorabat worried even more from Badgerclops' statement as remembered some missions where Mao Mao could have gotten badly hurt. The fight in the dump, he could have drown in the deep puddle. The ice dragon that ate Mao Mao, she was sure that he was completely finished there. The pie competition, Mao Mao was almost stabbed by Oragusnake. He could have died. Her only dad could have die...

"Adorabat, look at me"
The bat girl looked up at the badger, her eyes were filled with tears of fear because of her thoughts. He gently wiped off a tear that had starting to stream down. He had a look of worry for the bat child, absolutely hating the sadness on the normally happy child. He didn't know what else to say to have her feel better. The best he could do was to hug Adorabat in his arms. Her feelings of worry seem to dissipate as it was replaced by a feeling of warmth. A few tears that remained from her yellow eyes stream down onto the badger's fur, but that was it as she embraced the hug Badgerclops was giving her.

Badgerclops knew more about Mao Mao than her. If he says that Mao Mao is gonna be okay then she knows that Mao Mao was gonna be just fine. She trusted him with his words. He would never lie to her. Her only dad is going to be okay. No, it wasn't her only dad. She has been worrying because she thought that she would have lost her only dad that she finally had after so long. She has another dad. That dad was comforting her now to not worry Mao Mao. Two dads. Two dads that protect all of them and theirselves. All are strong within their own ways and have some weakness that might put one of them in defeat, but all of them are gonna get back up and be alright. Badgerclops
Mao Mao carefully parked his aerocycle in the garage. He took the small plastic bag with the box of tea and went inside.

"Badgerclops, I got th-"

He stopped speaking and placed the plastic bag down. The smell of vomit was there. He concluded that Badgerclops couldn't hold on for a few minutes as he went into the living room to see if there was a mess. There wasn't any mess fortunently, but was a sound of snoring. He went close and saw both of his pals asleep. Mao Mao smiled at the sight as he carefully placed a blanket on the two. He was really glad that all of them get along well. More well than his own family. He shouldn't even call them family anymore, this was his family now. People that love him and actually show it.

"Sleep well, guys"

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