Chapter 3- the bonfire

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The first week of school certainly felt like the longest and there were times where it was hard for Uma to keep up in classes but she was getting the hang of it. While school was just that, school, there were certain aspects of it that she was most excited for. The back to school bonfire that the upperclassmen threw on the beach was one of those things. Since the first day it was all the princesses could talk about, even Harriet seemed excited. The two girls were getting ready for the fun night when there was a knock on their door "I'll get it!" Harriet shouted from her closet where she was straightening her wavy dark hair.

Harriet opened the door and in walked Anthony Tremain, her on again/off again boyfriend of the last five years. From her closet yelled "Hey Anthony." As she changed into her outfit for the evening "Hey squirt" he replied, she rolled her eyes at the nickname. He had been calling her that since they were young kids barely off of the isle of the lost. Once she was finally dressed Uma pulled her hair out of the loose ponytail it was in, allowing her already straightened long hair fall all about her shoulders. She had straightened her hair the day before so all she had to do was brush it to smooth it out and then she was ready to go.

Giving herself a quick once over in her mirror Uma said "Hey Harriet, I'm gonna head on down...I'll see you there, okay?" As she tied her Plaid shirt around her waist and grabbed her phone off of the nightstand beside her bed "okay, I'll see you at the beach in a little bit" called the Female Scottish accent. Once she knew Harriet was going to meet her there Uma left her dorm and joined a few others in one of the few limos left. The ride there she talked with a few students she knew to be older than her, they were going on about the bonfire the year previously. Before she knew it they were there and the driver had opened the door for everyone to get out.

On her walk down to the beach she ran into Mal, Maleficent's biological daughter who lived with the good fairy, Merry-Weather. The purple haired girl invited her to walk with her and her friends and she accepted, jumping in on their conversation as they walked. When they reached the beach the group they were in started to separate as people went to do their own thing. Soon it was just the two of them "Have you heard any more from your bio Mom? I heard she reached out this summer." Mal said and Uma just shrugged "She didn't try again after my Dad told her I wasn't going to the Isle to see her." She stated, while Uma was curious about Ursula she wasn't too fond of the idea of being anywhere near her. From what her Uncle Triton and her own father had told her, Ursula wasn't the type of person fit to raise a child.

Ursula was sort of a sore spot for Uma, Morgan was a wonderful mom who loved her as if she was her own, Uma just felt like there was something missing. If anyone would understand having a parent you craved to know but didn't want to be around, it was Mal. Her mother was the actual mistress of evil after all. Through that unspoken understanding Mal dropped the subject and instead asked Uma how she was liking Auradon Prep, she was grateful for the subject change. The two were talking when Uma felt a tap on her shoulder, with a glance behind her she saw Harriet, Anthony Tremain, Harry and Evie (The daughter of the Evil Queen) standing there. "Hey M, Jane and Audrey are waiting for us on the pier, let's go." The blue haired girl said brightly. Jane was the daughter of the headmistress, Fairy Godmother and Audrey was the seemingly shallow daughter of Sleeping Beauty. Uma wasn't fond of either.

Mal pursed her lips and nodded "I guess that's my cue, I'll talk to you later Uma." She said waving and walking off with Evie. Now it was just her, Harriet, Harry and Anthony. They sat talking about the latest Chad Charming scandal while the boys were going on about tourney. The next thing Uma knew they were all loading back up in limos and going back to school. At some point Uma fell asleep, when she woke up she was in the dorm she shared with Harriet. She asked Harriet how she'd gotten there but the eldest Hook wouldn't say.

Authors note: hey guys, I know it took a while but I honestly didn't know where I wanted this one to go. If you're keeping an eye on the east coast of the United States you'll have seen that hurricane Dorian is coming right for us. Because of the monster heading our way I will be evacuating. I plan on leaving sometime tomorrow or Tuesday. Before I do I hope to get another chapter or two out. Keep the east coast in your prayers.
Love you,

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2019 ⏰

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