☆chapter 1☆

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Another year at school. Great. But this time I'm not in England. My parents forced me and my brother to come to Spain here in Madrid and now we have to study with a bunch of preppy kids. Don't get me wrong, my family may be rich but not to show off our riches.

As I was getting ready and putting on my uniform, I hear my brothers music right next door. I sometimes even wonder how I survive with him.
As I finish applying last touches of make up, I get up and collect my stuff to check if everything is in place.
Once I'm done with that, I head downstairs and eat an apple. I wait for Alex in the car patiently not caring if we were going to be late for first period.
"Hey. Ready?" He says as gets in. "Yea. Let's go to hell once and for all"

Once we get there, many students are whispering and staring at us while we pass them. I thanked the lord thy my brother and I had first period together. English class. Even though we're 5 minutes late, I was nervous. When we open the door everyone is staring at us.
"you must be Raquel and Alejandro. Welcome to English class. Please choose a seat and introduce your selves."
I went to an empty spot at the back next to a curly haired guy.
"Alejandro Mateo Rodriguez. Please stand up and introduce yourself"
"Hi I'm Alejandro. Most of my friends call me Alex. I'm 16 going on 17. And I have a twin sister" Half the class turns back at me and stares.
"Raquel Destiny Rodriguez"
"Hey I'm Raquel. I have the same age as my brother (duh) and um we came from England and hope to make friends here".
"Thank you, both of you. As we were talking about..."
I zoned out kinda until the guy next to me whispers me something
"I'm Ander by the way. Nice to meet you Raquel"
"Nice to meet you too" I smile at him. At least I kind of made a friend. My thoughts get interrupted by this kid talking about a profile. Wow great! First assignment with a partner on my first day!
"You will all have partners and no one leaves until you get one. Class dismissed"
"Hey do you want to be partners?" Ander says to me.
"Uh sure yea" I say awkwardly. I look back to my brother and see him with this other girl. A few hours here and he's got hoes already. I roll my eyes and head on out with Ander.
"So what do you guys do here for fun?" I ask as we're walking down the hall to the cafeteria.
"Not much. I play tennis." He says. "Oh well that's nice."
"Yes. Sort of." He says confused. We grab lunch and sit down.
It's gonna be one hell of a long year.

End of chapter 1

First one and I feel like it's crappy. Also I hate to be the one that lags but I have an F and I need to get that to a C+ so I don't get my phone taken away.

Good Trouble | Eliteजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें