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luckily eleven was chatting away with some of her friends to notice that her boyfriend was running late. he walked up behind her and wrapped his long arms around her neck, she giggled as she talked when he started to lightly kiss her neck. for eleven, each kiss was like a butterfly landing on her skin. for mike it was like licking rocky concrete. she excused herself from her friends and gave mike a kiss on the cheek, she linked their arms together. mike was screaming at himself to stop doing all these signs of affection, but the logic side shouted back that he needed to do these things to not give himself away.

but mike and eleven barely talked to each other once they got in the hall, eleven was pointing out that nancy was on drinks again and jonathan was taking pictures of happy couples, they might not attend this school anymore but they volunteer every year, to obviously help out. mike acted like he was interested, but he was constantly looking around for the redhead and worrying about her deeply. wheeler managed to talk eleven out of taking pictures as a couple until the very end of the night, hoping she would forget about it by then, in which eleven agreed and took some instead with some of her friends.

max was sitting on the bench used for students to watch from a distance the basketball players play shirts or skins. max remembered sitting here on her free period and watch mike play basketball against the other boys, she didn't mind if he had a shirt on or off, she admired his skills and athletic ability, but he had no interest in having a sportsman career, and max was cool with that. she couldn't deal with a douchy jock as a boyfriend, not like they were going out or she had a crush on him or anything like that. max was brought out of her thoughts as lucas waved a drink in front of her face, she took it from his hands and sipped it, realizing it was lemonade with a hint of cherry.

mike wanted to know where max was, and as soon as possible, he wanted to leave eleven behind and spend his time with her. he remembered that nancy had to greet everyone asking if they wanted a drink, so she would've seen her for sure.

"nancy! nancy!" he cried out, shoving past all the other dressed students, and raiding his hand up so he would be noticed when his eldest sister looked around frantically to see who was calling for her.

"yes mike, no mike you can't borrow five dollars." nancy said, rolling her eyes but not looking at her younger brother.

"what? no! that's not what i wanted!" mike panted, exhausted from running for about ten seconds.

"well, what? my services are limited."

"is max here? max mayfield, red hair, blue eyes?" mike's patience was wearing thin as nancy took her goddamn time thinking about what he just said.

"is she with lucas as a date?" she finally spoke.

"yeah, but no at the same time."

"she's on the bench, left bench, near the top."

"thanks nance!"

mike ran off, leaving nancy confused in her spot but she glanced over at jonathan who was already looking at her and darted away blushing, nancy giggled.

max wanted to get away from lucas, so when he was talking to dustin and will, she fled. she wanted mike to talk to her, tell her jokes, complement her on how pretty she looked and kiss her as they slow danced. she wanted lucas to be by her side, no matter what - but only as a friend. and she can't really be kissed by a friend as they were dancing, no matter how close they were..

she picked up her dress and ran towards nancy, with almost tears in her eyes. nancy noticed that max was close to breaking down and grabbed her gently by her shoulders and sat her down on her chair.

"what's wrong, max? come on talk to me."

"i want to find mike." max gasped as she was passed a drink from nancy.

she didn't even care he had a date, she wanted them to break up for so long, she wanted mike for as long as she could remember arriving here in hawkins, but was so unaware that he was running right towards lucas where she should've stayed put.

"he was trying to find you." nancy replied, rubbing circles on max's shoulder as she was crouched down to the redhead's eye level.

the tears that formed already in max's eyes had already fallen but no more fell, her tearducts as dry as the sahara.


"mike asked me if i knew where you were, he wants to see you max. he should be by lucas right now."

"thanks, nancy." max pulled nancy in a hug and ran off trying to find the boy who might - just might - have returned her feelings.




it's getting spicy, i'm telling you now..

y'all are so unprepared for next chapter,

wait and find out soooooooon!

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