chappie 2

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ok this is the seccond chappie because 1 and 2 got mixed up somhow k iv decicieded to writ somore


whene i woke up i was tied to a bed a cummfy bed at that i imagined i was kidnapped by the guy at the club so now i was kidnapped scared and pissed then in walked...the guy fros the club "how are you doin?" he asked "well consiering that im kidnapped,scared and pissed enuogh to kill you and...Oh tied to a bed pretty good but you wont be as soon as i untie myself.oh yeah whats your name?"he stared at me "am i supossed to be scared of you? and my name is leaon." then suddenly there was movement at the door and in walked.....

end of recap

daylyn. me and daylyn have been friends since i went up to him and siad that he looked sad and that id protect him "DAYLYN!?" i yelled "what are you doing here?" "i live here risita the question is what are you doing here?" he asked "well why dont you ask leon the stupid he should tell you." i anserwed "leone"siad daylyn menicingly"what is she doing here?""ah well she ran away from me before i could feed and like the hunter i am brother i chased her." "wiat you two are brother's?" "yes." they siad together "well im still pissed and scared and am going to kill leon by beating his guts out if he is not removed now becoue im free from the ropes." "shit."muttered daylyn because he knew full well that i could and would if leon diddnt get out right now so he towed leon out before i just attacked see i'v mastered evey type of fiighting i could find so i was pretty sure i could kick his arse in a fight. oh yeah if your wondering y i never used them on my dad? hes a pro wresler. daylyn came back into the room and siad "so mom and dad say you have to marry me or leone or beccome my slaveleones but you could just marry me and we could spend our hole lives best friends that got married?" he siad hopfully i stared at him"are you crazy or sick?" i asked realy very worried i went up to him and put my hand to his forhead "no." he growled at me "im dead seriuse about this issa." i must of really looked horrified at the use of my nickname witch he only uses when hes mad at me.


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i want to know g2g ps

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