"Oh?" The king drawled softly, finger tapping the arm of his chair slowly. "Are you telling me, that the golden apples that have been growing in our kingdom for generations...have suddenly sprouted legs and run off? Or maybe they just 'poofed' into thin air? Is that what you are saying, Ryker?" The king gave him a sardonic smile.

The gardener gulped, "No, your majesty. It must be a thief. Maybe." He uttered the last part to himself quietly.

"Must be?" The king hummed to himself and reached for his goblet. "Ryker, you are the only one among my people with the key to enter the garden." Jumping to attention, the gardener hurriedly defended himself, "'twas not I, you majesty! I would never—!"

"Of course the only one with another key," Here the king stood and spread his arms mockingly, "is the royal family." Ryker suddenly realized what could be implied in the undertones of his statements and blanched. All this double-speak, and etiquette and politics always went over his head. He was nowhere near as proficient at it as his sons Reuben.

Ryker took a breath and answered as calm as he possibly could, "You majesty, please have mercy. I know not how but a thief must have sneaked in at night and stolen one of your golden apples." Glancing up briefly to see the king's face, he was rewarded with a bemused smile.

"Obviously." King Hedrick sat down once more and resumed breaking his fast. "And what do you propose we—?" Suddenly the doors were thrown open and in hurried the gardener's three sons. Ryker's face turned a deathly white and his legs nearly gave out with shock at the impudence of his sons.

 Ryker's face turned a deathly white and his legs nearly gave out with shock at the impudence of his sons

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"What is the meaning of this?" King Hedrick demanded, his brow furrowed in annoyance. Ryker fell to his knees and begged the king, "Forgive them for their insolence, your majesty. I will punish them myself as soon as I am able." His children followed suit but begged for the king's attention rather than his forgiveness.

It was his eldest that spoke first as he was wont to do. "Sire, I've heard from my younger brother about yer apples and 'ave rushed here in hope you woul' listen to meh pleas." Reuben started uncertainly before gaining confidence as he ended. Ramon, ever the faithful, foolish follower nodded earnestly at his brother's equally foolish words. "Yeh, your majesty." He added with a nod.

Ryker stared in horror at his sons' dim-witted decisions. He told them to flee! He chanced a glance at the king who gazed sternly at the boys. "And what, exactly, am I supposed to be listening to?" you brainless imbeciles, Ryker heard.

Reuben's smile faltered but powered through determinedly, "Your majesty, our family 'as failed you and we be hopin' to make amends by catchin' this dastardly thief and bringing 'im before your justice." Ramon had a confused look and whispered a loud "We do?" that echoed through the room.

Incredulous anger permeated the room through momentary silence before Ronin spoke up for the first time since this nightmare of a day and implored to the king, "We do, your majesty. Please give us this chance to redeem our father and return what is rightfully yours." Then slowly an embarrassed smile stretched his young face, "I apologize in behalf of my brothers for barging in without your permission nor with proper courtesy. We were all quite distressed at hearing of the burglary that took place." Ronin apologized, shame-faced and at the sight of such sincere regret from the precocious twelve year old boy, what else could the king do but smile.

Or well, try to. Ryker was appreciative of the effort at least as the king's face seemed to strain trying to form a semblance of a smile. Then again, King Hedrick had always been fond of Ryker's third son Ronin. "I will see to their severest punishment at once, your majesty." He repeated once more but the king merely held up a hand, ignored him and continued questioning the boys, "You will catch the thief by yourselves...to redeem your father?" He sounded skeptical and a touch derisive which none of the non-nobles took offence to. Reuben, being unhappy at his brothers' interruptions, took charge once more to direct the conversation.

"Aye, your majesty. Whoever this thief may be must be feelin' mighty brave now at their successful thieving. I bet ya they'll be doin' it again soon. Ain't nothin' like a man's greed." He paused, finding the words to form his idea of a plan. "We could'a put a 'idden guard in the garden tonight to catch 'em at the act." The king hummed but gave no further indication of approval.

Ramon hastily added while clapping his older brother on the shoulder, "And it shoul' be only one man so it'lla be easier 'ta sneak around and it won' alert 'em that we be knowin' he's comin'." Here both older brothers shared a knowing smirk and Reuben looked approvingly at his younger brother's rare show of cleverness.

"Furthermore," Rueben added, drawing out the word as if testing it out like a child would copy an adult. "He should 'ave a bell and everythin' to alarm the otha' guards." The gardener glanced at their king who stood silently, judging their suggestion carefully. Well, it wasn't the daftest idea, he supposed. Despite Rueben's ambitious drive which occasionally led to such tomfoolery, he could still be quite cunning and clever. For a brief silver of a moment, a flash of fear ran through the gardener that perhaps maybe it was his son that had stolen the apple in search of recognition for 'finding it'.

'Please let it not be so.' Ryker prayed to the heavens.

Perhaps it was an ominous sign or mere happenstance but when the king nodded his assent and appointed Rueben to take first watch, the window nearest to the table blew open, and a strong wind pushed the goblet onto the floor. It fell with an eerie 'clang' and its contents spilled out like blood.

All the while, Ronin quietly observed the proceeding while giving his quiet support to his brothers and considering glances at the king. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2019 ⏰

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