My Beginnings

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Well, see before I discovered that I was a Dragon Skeeter, I was working as reptilogist. Someone who researches and works with venomous reptiles.

I came across a rare and nearly extinct dragon species, that originated from the dinosaurs called pteradactyls, flying beasts with claws and tails.

These draogons evolved into a feral kind of beast: half man half dragon, with capabilities of a mosquito a scorpion and an elusive hawk like abilities to swoop in for the kill with talons.

A dragon skeeter is a unique creature: it has talons that can claw, and wield weapons, like sprongs, which are areoborn spikes it shoots from its tail, it also has venom that comes from its talons, fire from its breath and blood sucking capabilities.

The zombies however, altho their arsenal grows more and more each day is no match for the dragon skeeters, unless it surrounds one in a whole bunch.

Then sticky webs of gooey acid, begin to eat away at a dragon carcass and can be boiled to a pulp in mere seconds. Only the human form remains, vulnerable to the zombie assailants.

Then the zombie begins the process of invading the humans' bodies and changing them into brain eating monsters.

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