I see Drake giving his girlfriend a mean stare

"Jessica I would stop if I were you" Drake grabs her arm.

She's right in front of my face being a cocky bitch, I'm going to hit her and not a damn person will stop me.

"Oh would you" she shakes his arm off.

"Jessica" Drake is getting mad and everyone in here can see that, this isn't going to end pretty.

"Oh I think you would hit her, slap her, god I don't know but if you are anything like your dad wa-"

I don't know why but it hurt me to hear her talk about him like that, he was only trying to help her from getting in trouble for causing a scene.But here I am. The first time I've ever even thought of doing something like this. I pick up my glasses that fell earlier.

My hand goes into a fist, I can see she's scared, really scared. As I punch her in the face she goes back a little then covers her face with her hands.

Why the hell did I just do that

What the hell did I get myself into

I look up and see a very...sad? Looking Drake. He looks at me, something is in his eyes it's like he trying to tell me something, as soon as I get a good look at his face, his eyes get glossy and he turns away like that and leaves.

"Detention for you Miss Styles" the Principal comes out of nowhere.

"I...I..didn't mean t-" I start to say but Jessica cuts me off.

"She hit me Ms.miller she hit me!" Jessica whines like a child.

God I hate her.

I see my friends that were once at the table have now left so they wouldn't get in trouble, I don't blame them this is all my fault, they don't deserve detention. So I'm alone with Jessica and the principal because everyone's lunch is over.

In the back of my mind I'm still thinking why didn't kris do or say anything?

"You are coming with me miss" as I go with Ms.miller, I look back and see Jessica smiling with a bloody nose. Good.

"I'm so disappointed in you Vanessa I actually thought you were better than the rest of them, I guess not"

I can't help but feel dumb, I mean really I punched a girl because of a guy really? Who have I become. I would have never done this before, this isn't who I am.

"I'm so sorry but I have classes"

"Yes you do and you are going to go do them, but I needed to say something to you" she says with worry in her eyes.


"Well I was once a teenager and well it was fun, but it was dangerous. Don't ever let someone walk over you. Ever. I know you are a better person than this. I also know you're a teenager and you are going to do whatever you want, but please don't do something you will regret, and mess up your future."

I knew there was a reason I liked her.

"I know I should have never wasted my time with hitting her and for that I'm so sorry but like you said, I'm never going to let someone like her walk over me. Does that mean she deserves to be punched, no, but it wasnt a one sided fight miss. I promise."

She gives me a smile." I know it wasn't" is all she says then she leaves, just like that she's gone.

Man I need to get to class.


I'm on my way to detention right now, I'm running late, great.

As I turn and make it through the doors I see the teacher giving me a look of disappointment. "I'm so sorry sir".

"Sit" he points to a chair by someone with a hoodie up." Now".

I finally sit down and look to my right to see who was sitting by me. I can't see anything, there hoodie is up way to far.

"Little miss perfect is in detention" shoot I know who this is just by his voice. "Tables have turned".

"Excuse me, do I know you?" I want to act like I don't know him so I can watch him get annoyed.

"No I'm just that asshole that you punched that girl over"

"Yeah you mean your girlfriend-"

"Not your business at all but that bitch isn't my girlfriend"


"But you guys act like a couple"

"No, she acts like that not me correct yourself before you speak." his voice is raising a little higher.

"Yeah okay then why are you always helping her, making sure she doesn't get in trouble?" I look over at him and he just shakes his head.

"None. Of. Your. Business."

"Asshole" I mumble to myself "donkey breath"I smile at that one" snakey Drakey" I start to chuckle.

"God damn would you shut up" he hisses.

"No thanks"

"Would you two in the back be quiet" the teacher yells at us

"It's her" Drake says a little to quite for him to hear.

"You know I feel bad for yo-"

"Don't pitty me, ever. I don't care about you at all, so would you stop talking to me, I swear I want to throw up every time I see your face."

I felt a lot of hurt, all at once. My cheeks have tears running down them right now like a baby. I don't think he ever notices because I wipe them away and look forward instead of looking at him.

"You'll never get a friend with that attitude. What was that thing Jessica said about your dad? Does he hurt you aw poor little thing I feel so bad for you. Actually I couldn't give a flying shit what happens to yo-"

"I swear to god if one more thing comes out of your mouth about my life. You will regret it I promise you, mommy and daddy's money won't last long."

What does he even mean? Is he going to get my parents jobs taken away? He can't do that. Can he?

"That's what I thought" he says after a few seconds of silence

What have I got myself into

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